
C: Transcends sports and everyone gets to see Snyder go down in flames

In public, yes. But at home all bets are off. I've had my wife ask me in the morning, "what was all the yelling about last night?" and I have no shame in telling her about my sports video game triumphs. I'm an adult so there are few things anymore that give me genuine elation and if I want to celebrate the Madden Bowl

True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb

I wouldn't be shocked if Simmons is the one who is actually off the show next year. He alluded to being close to not returning after last season - citing, unsurprisingly, a lack of airtime along with other organizational frustrations he had. Frankly, it's probably the best for him. He's a better writer than he is a TV

God damn I love Chimay. It is the nectar of the gods.

Re: the cow question

Oh come on Dorn, get in front of the damn ball.

The thing for me that gives Chipotle the edge (the chicken's a big one, though) are the tortilla chips. Those fuckers will haunt your dreams. Just enough salt and with a kick of lime. And now I'm salivating.

That's an elite proposal.

I know he's old and all, but I'm not sure I get the surprise of this. Ray Allen is 6'6 inches tall, one of the most well-conditioned guys in basketball and had a full court's worth of a running start. Don't get me wrong, I got a kick out of it, but it's not like Uncle Drew showed up to the court and started throwing

Did you reference the actual movie, 'Unbreakable'? I feel like you did. If so, that's -1,000 Simmons points.

I actually REALLY wanted a Probe GT back in the day. Given that they're 20 years old now, I'd say the styling has aged remarkably well.

Yeah, that's the worst. They ruin the spot. They need to get their own spot.

Co-workers cannot be emphasized enough. If I see a co-worker on the street (or anywhere in public) before they see me, I basically turn into Solid Snake in trying to stealthily avoid them.


There's always people at my grocery store from our local paper handing them out/selling subscriptions and everyone just walks by like, "LOL newspapers." I feel bad for them.


If he denies, he denies.

Yep, still waiting for that. It'll be here shortly.

The unfortunate thing about this is that it's just Simmons maintaining his "Sports Guy" brand, which, kind of went out the window a long time ago. He's as well-connected as anyone and actually knows his shit when it comes to basketball. I just wish he'd act like it more often as opposed to trying, like you said, to