
I hear ya, but my point about Hard Knocks still stands. Only recently did teams have to be nudged into participating. Why? I'm not really sure to be honest. The locker room dynamics haven't changed that much from 2001, but regardless, teams have volunteered and people (the media included) have eaten it up. It's great

Whitlock always analogizes everything to The Wire but I say fuck that - who are your office Game of Thrones characters:

Here ya go.

Those rules were recently put in place. Hard Knocks has been airing for well over a decade. Also, teams are still volunteering to be on the show. Not all of them - but some.

It's funny that teams have been fine with Hard Knocks infiltrating their locker rooms and FILMING THEIR ENTIRE TEAM, yet a documentary about a cultural trailblazer during the off-season is frowned upon.

Man, people are really getting into this Michael Sam kiss thing.

I said the same thing about this. I work in advertising and I can say pretty confidently that the Bucks marketing is about as bad as their basketball team.

"I can't stop shitting myself", the autobiography of Najeh Davenport

Know what I really liked about the Diamante? The name. "Dee-ah-mon-tay." It just sounds fucking awesome. Especially today where every car basically sounds like a goddamn FAX machine.

Damn. These things cost people both their money AND their dignity.

CLICKBAIT. There, I said it.

I'm really starting to think that Harden is one of the 2-3 most overrated "stars" in the game. I rarely see him create much for his teammates and his defense is straight up non-existent. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't give a fuck about defense. That's how egregious his lack of effort is. He's a

Barry, I'm curious what your take is on the 'marketing issue' you mentioned. As someone who does such a thing, I'm not sure I agree. Certainly, MLB has taken steps to position the game in a way that appeals to young people, but what good is it if comes off entirely disingenuous?

Not having Rondo in this year's playoffs is too bad. Dude loves the stage.

If this thing comes with four doors, I'm in.

Meanwhile, Crabtree wasn't there to catch one of these hoes because HE'S A MEDIOCRE RECEIVER.

I honestly thought the title read, "Warrior HAS an insane dick" which, even ignoring the mistake in tense, was kind of hilarious.

If there's grass on the field....

I like that Chizik's doing the hand-under-arm-to-swoll-the-bicep move, too. That's a crafty veteran move right there.

Their awesome life serves as proof that they are infallible in every regard. The attitude is… I'm rich and famous and successful, so how could I possibly be wrong about vaccines secretly containing AIDS? We call this Dan Snyder Disease.