I think I'm even more out of touch because I just tried forming one of those signs with my hands and they looked like I had rigor mortis.
Where does the old Expos logo rank in the pantheon of sports designs? I've got it top-5, easily.
Oh, that's just fantastic.
Dude, have you ever watched any of the David Blaine footage doing magic for pro athletes? They fucking run out of the gym like there's a 4-alarm fire. It's fantastic.
No shit, I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt (at the YMCA no less) that said, "You ain't never seen a motherfucker like me before" on the back of it. That was not so classy.
In a related note, players can still take fundamentally sound jump shots over the goal post because that's celebrating a touchdown THE RIGHT WAY.
Maybe the funniest part of this is that several people reporting in the local area likely got their info from the @VCUInsider Twitter handle who, has a whopping 67 followers.
What's messed up is, they could have hired Wesley Snipes for about the same cost as that face paint.
That Kobe is basically forcing the Lakers' hand at everything now really makes me hope he plays 5 more years.
So the lady in charge of coordinating screams at me in front of 10 people, "WHERE IS THE DIP"?!!?!??!!?
As a Bucks fan (there are some of us left!) I'm glad we have Knight. Jennings was fucking awful.
An article positioned just two below this one lists the Ford Power Stroke. How did that not make the list?
Can someone please pick up Larry Drew and drive him to an undisclosed location so that Giannis can get some actual playing time? kthx
Yep. Cadillac is another good example. They fired Fallon despite Fallon completely revitalizing their brand over the last decade.
Yep. Selling the work is certainly a skill in its own right, but most people's perception of advertising comes from Mad Men in which Roger Sterling does everything short of throwing his dick on the conference room table and the client just sits there and takes it. Truth is, the term, "fall on the sword" is used by…
I've also worked in advertising for 10+ years. He's right - the client can make or break the spot. My old CD used to say, "Never present something you wouldn't want produced" which I've tried to abide by. Problem is, lots of things get changed on the fly. In fact, there's a real good chance that most the ads above…
I own a G37 XS sedan and desperately wished Infiniti would have made an IPL sedan. A de-tuned version of the GTR engine would be a welcome addition to their lineup.
Oh, it has competition. This shit is like the Biggie VS. Tupac of car dealerships: