Wait, so was Boiler Room actually about the same story?
Wait, so was Boiler Room actually about the same story?
I work in advertising and I've yet to meet one other person who works in the creative department (where I work) who shows up on time. 15 minutes is the average accepted stroll-in time, but I've worked for agencies where people just show up whenever the fuck they want. As long as you met deadlines and the work was…
I just thought it was worth mentioning that Bill Simmons on his podcast the other day, adamantly said, "America, stop it. Evan Turner is NOT getting traded."
My Packers desperately need a safety. Will you please play for them and like, make tackles and stuff?
The best/saddest part about the Y2K promotion is the Bucks are essentially deflecting attention from their current situation to remind the fan base of a time when they were just a little bit less shitty. Bucks, man.
Oh, man.
Getting caught on camera with a body. Did Rice learn nothing from Ray Lewis?
I think they were also trying to keep some consistency between Late Night and this show. One thing that seemed to hurt Conan (besides not resonating at all with the time slot's audience) was he went from a small, almost underground feel to a larger, vibrant studio. He looked out of place from the very beginning.…
I question this truck's 4WD viability if you're naming it after a QB that lately can't seem to get over the hump.
Sure, John Wall danced and waved his arms. But you're discounting the fact that John Wall has the charisma of an actual fucking wall. Part of the event's entertainment value hinges on the presentation (like you said and were right in it sucking balls) but, seriously - Terrance Ross? Damian Lillard? These aren't…
Yeah, none of this year's dunkers had any charisma whatsoever. That's a huge part of the entertainment of the contest. I hate Dwight Howard's fucking guts, but I gotta admit, his Superman routine was fantastic.
What in the fuck? You do realize you can be a tough, hard-nosed football player and NOT be a huge dick as a person, right? So yes, we can have it both ways.
Hate to say it, but there's no way Martin plays in the NFL again. On the plus side, his parents seem pretty awesome.
Cubs management:
I love how simply choosing questions out of sequential order is just throwing the other contestants out of whack. It's like he's running the fucking Wildcat out there. WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?
The whole "gaming is childish" argument is horribly outdated. I get that they're video games and the traditional view is that they're for kids, but have you seen the games that are out today? They aren't for kiddies. In fact, the average 'gamer' age is 33 years old. It's more adult entertainment than the Mario…
That Mack Maine is wearing goddamn Reebok Pumps tells you how seriously he's taking this.
See, and people thought E couldn't make it without Vincent Chase and the gang.
I guess I feel like it should be reported on (especially if Simmons was in the know) because it then becomes a story of recklessness as opposed to ignorance. Not saying it's true, but doesn't it have to at least be looked into?
Tim - if true, (that there are those within Grantland that knew the ramifications) doesn't that now become a story that should be investigated and reported on? For a site with as much sway as Grantland/ESPN (especially when you factor in Simmons himself) this seems like a fairly massive implication.