
I suppose. But my guess is most people (like with food) would just use Drynuary as an excuse to get shit-faced for most of February.

Personally, I thought Simmons' response was the most extraordinary letter from the editor since Saving Private Ryan.

This seems like the crash diet equivalent of being sober. Why not just drink less often in general? Isn't easier to skip a glass of wine with dinner here and there than take an entire fucking month off?

Or maybe Erin Andrews was simply taken back not by the fact that Richard Sherman is black, but by him turning to the camera and screaming unexpectedly. Why is he allowed to show 'human emotion' but she isn't? I'd be just as startled if it were Richard Sherman or Richard Marx.

I always thought Sharper was a bit of a joke, anyway.

Oh, I thought it said, LeBoning. Sorry about that, Gabrielle.

What's the biggest thing common fans would be surprised to know about how NFL front offices work?

"I always thought of you as a serious journalist"

I look forward to the day (likely some time soon) where a defender gets sick of Griffin's "I'm gonna jump over you and mean-mug you afterwards" bullshit and undercuts him into oblivion.

He has them do some free weight exercises but they're almost all iso-movements and then finishes them off with bench press because DURR, HOW MUCH YA BENCH? No squats. No deads. No pullups. No kettlebells. Shit, doing kettlebells swings for 20 minutes would be more beneficial than the shit I see him have his clients

I didn't say there was anything wrong with using them, but PAYING someone good money to walk you from cable machine to cable machine seems a bit, I don't know, like a waste of money. Not to mention, these people are overweight and would be better served pushing a weighted sled around instead of toning their bingo

There's a trainer at the gym I go to (flex) that literally takes these poor saps of human beings from one cable exercise to the next - usually starting with iso triceps extensions. It's the saddest - yet infuriating - thing I've seen at the gym. His clients are usually 30-50 lbs. overweight and you can see the

To be clear, I proposed in summer when the fountain didn't look like a giant frozen tampon.

Not kidding, I asked my wife to marry me in front of that fountain. This seems like a bad omen...

She was just acting in self defense when she misunderstood someone saying, "I'd hit it."

Haven't there been photos of him and his girlfriend circulating the Internet for like three years? Blonde, busty, etc? Not Bryan Bulaga.

MCC can eat the biggest bag of dicks, ever.

36 - love

"he's not allowed to have an opinion about such things."

Can I buy a Bear of the Year vote? Please contact.