
I was just waiting for this guy to say, "Your mom tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios!"

Meet the Browns

Oh man.

I also got Frank Thomas' autograph as a kid when the Sox visited Milwaukee. We tend to exaggerate stories like these as time passes - making people seem larger, events more important, etc. But I say this without any embellishment - Frank Thomas was a goddamn monster. He's one of the few athletes I've ever seen in

Bucket list: Complete.

Nice beer glasses are always nice. Had a friend get me a Chimay gift pack years ago that came with three 1L bottles, two chalices and a really nice bottle opener. One of the best gifts I've gotten.

That's funny. "Woman"

This is much better than Googling 'Bear inside a bull'

Ray Lewis' nonsensical rants.

To be fair, it's not like he has an eye for fashion.

Incognito chose an interesting getup to wear during his combine 40.

Just hate this day. Real Celtic fans know what I mean. Mondays, man.

If Chicago pizza is a swimming pool, New York pizza is a goddamn slip n' slide.

Sharpe could literally give this exact same speech every pre-game show with zero football analysis and it'd be a huge improvement.

It's Dwight's fault.

That Sox kid looks like a 10-year old Kenny Powers.

Since it's designated to every scandal anyway, can we just go ahead and call this Shit-In-Your-Mouth-Gate?

That's by far the biggest head scratcher about this. Even if someone told me it's a legitimately funny movie I wouldn't see it because I'd just sit there the whole time wondering, "Why the fuck is Kevin Cline in this?" He's what? 40 or something? That's like casting Frankie goddamn Muniz in The Hangover.

The whole racial undertone narrative is contrived as shit. Oh, Romo and Bryant were both yelling at teammates on the field and the only difference was their skin color, so the vitriol for Bryant must be racially motived. Horseshit. Here's the reason Bryant got vilified and Romo didn't. Because Phil Costa was getting

"Also, if Snyder wanted someone to park a trademark on his behalf without drawing any attention, why would he pick his neighbor?"