Brendan Adams

Haven’t seen a Frenchman persecuted like this for stealing bread since Jean Valjean.

Nope. That's still serious sociopathic behavior.

"For more casual bystanders, though, there's a touch of the absurd to it. It already felt too soon when Tobey Macguire's Spider-Man movies — the last of which was only in 2007! — was rebooted in 2012 with a new story and a new actor (Andrew Garfield)."

Even with that, you have to admit, Hearthstone is just a great game that you can pretty much easily pick up, even will little experience and have a great time. It's simplicity and "luck" is what makes it both a GREAT game, and a FLAWED game.

That's a Kamehameha from DBZ.

Clearly a Kamehamaeha.

Definite kamehameha wave. No doubt in my mind.

That is definitely a Kamehameha Wave from Dragon Ball Z.

Was that a Hadoken, or a Kamehameha Wave?

One could argue that was something from Dragon Ball Z as well. You know what, it's all anime, so who cares.

I'm sorry.... That you didn't fully read my comment. I said "console exclusive to ps4" the street fighter community is freaking huge on Xbox. Your last comment proves you are part of the problem

Does it help with your superiority complex to stereotype individuals who chooses to play different electronic entertainment than you do as a "Dew-swilling, Dorito-munching dudebros"?

It's become apparent all you reviewers and game journalists are Ally lovers. And I for one have a serious problem with that. For. The. Horde..

A Farmville addiction nearly sunk Andrew Luck's career, but luckily his 372 relatives can hold down the fort during the season.

I posted this when the story hit a few days ago, but I'll say it again . . . did you HEAR this guy's head hit the floor? Did you freaking HEAR it? The sound is between :09 and :10, and it is horrifying. If you have speakers or headphones, you will be sickened.

I really don't mean this as a jab at you, Yannick, but what is the point in these articles? We all know that a high-end PC is going to run/look better than a console, so what is the benefit in saying "Yep, this game too follows the convention that literally every other game follows." It's kind of just like posting an

Congrats to the coach for outsmarting children.

Him Yelling EXECUTE!!! makes this all the more sadder. Execute what? What are you teaching and learning from this?

So sick of this shit, especially with kids.

If they did bring it to the PC people would just have criticized the Xbox One for having all its games on the PC as well.