Brendan Adams

I think that can happen with the majority of games if not all of them. Destiny's nothing special. hides in force field from fanboys

Well, destiny is not a MMO, so...

People have a lot of money to waste.

Only your fireteam can do this to you, I think just not having dick friends when help solve this problem :P

That's really not that much at all.

Well shit negro! That's the only cosplay you had to show me.

Experienced water benders can pull moisture out of the air to create water. Thats probably not enough to do half the things Korra is doing in the gameplay video but well close enough hand waving for it to work I suppose.

Now you're just being ridiculous. I don't think they're amazing movies, and they definitely have their faults, but in no world was that trilogy awful.

I didn't know cutscenes have gameplay.

I like owning things instead of renting them from a publisher. I just prefer having physical copies to display. I like it when they pack stickers, posters, patches, art books, figures, etc in special editions. I have a 120 GB a month data cap which makes digital only impossible for me. Some games you can't get

"Childish"? Of course they are, genius. That's the point. "Irrelevant"? Dunno man. I'm 35, married with two kids, and I still laugh my balls off at Wedding Singer and Happy Gilmore.

No, definitely to me. I am, in fact, one hundred percent certain that this is my opinion on the matter.

Yeah, my interest in the game is middling but that deserves, if not necessarily a better game, a different, more inspiring one.

No it doesnt. They have new leadership. Of course there are going to do changes. The head of MS is brand new. The head of Xbox is brand new. Of course they are going to make changes. All these things were done with the old guard.

Yup. It couldn't possibly be that they're setting her up to be lifted to godlike proportions, only for her to realize that she's in over her head and has no idea how to rule these people whose culture she's unfamiliar with. Noooope. Not at all.

I like how the announcers, in the final match said that Pig was being cheap. Did they NOT see how Sonic Fox was playing in the first 6 matches? Fighting game competitions are nothing but seeing who can land the first combo that can deal 100% damage and win. I'll admit that I suck at fighting games, but i'd rather

Dev kit functionality without having to hax0r and reverse engineer?