
While nothing would make me question your judgement about the fountainhead (ugh), I might suggest giving Austen another try. “Jane Austen and The Moralists”, a really short, pithy essay by Ryle is a good way to see your way into the moral complexity of her world, and I usually recommend it to people who aren’t already

I may actually try this but only because Sittenfeld is a great writer. I feel like I keep reading her because every time I think that she is capable of more.

Should I stockpile Jacksons and sell them to racists at a profit, which I’ll turn around to give to non-profits serving minority women?

Who the fuck has a problem with Harriet Tubman? I’m glad I don’t know these people.

Tell that to ATMs.

hahahahha, I would LOVE to see these people avoid ATMs for the rest of their lives. It would really bring me untold joy.

OMG the comments on facebook are already out of hand. “I’M GONNA REJECT $20s FROM NOW ON, NO WAY NO HOW I AIN’T USIN’ THAT.”

I will always be Team Grace. Haha

Sarandon has behaved like an absolute asshole during this entire SandersFOREVER campaign. And it’s too bad, I liked her before.

This, right here. I’m a Chicana, first generation Mexican-American. I am educated and vocal and political. And the first way to piss me off is to talk down to those who helped pave MY way in this world. The moment she literally talked down to Dolores Huerta and turned her nose down on one of MY personal heroes she

I’m on Team Messing here. After all, no matter how bad things get, Susan Sarandon will do just fine, and will never have to truly live with the consequences of the “explosion” she spoke so fondly of.

Sarandon actually seemed to embrace the whole “heightening the contradicitons” worldview during the MSNBC. It arguably

The only thing people shamed was her idiot comment about voting for Trump. and NOTHING JUSTIFIES THAT

Seems like people making that argument need to study their history. It is literally the “After Hitler, Our Turn” argument used by the KDP (German pre-WW2 Communists) for why they spent their energy fighting Social Democrats in the 1932 election instead of the Nazis. It’s infuriating!

I’m sorry that happened. Dolores Huerta is an icon and a true inspiration.

She’s so massively full of crap.

If she was a man, she would have been President 20+ years ago. So yes.

I don’t lose respect for Sarandon for supporting Sanders, I lose respect for her in how she does it. From her “I don’t vote with my Vagina” (a comment made at one of her first campaign events), to her harassment of Dolores Huerta at the Nevada Caucus, to her “I’m not saying to vote for Trump, but you shouldn’t NOT

At this point i just want Hillary to crush him tonight so the left can stop shaming each other and go back to shaming the right.

I don’t know. Find me a man with decades of work supporting women’s right on a global level as Hillary did as First Lady and SoS and I’ll let you know. I don’t like the idea of female candidates simply for their ovaries, I like them because male candidates frequently overlook issues or don’t take them seriously that

I lost all respect for Ms. Sarandon when I saw video of her harassing Dolores Huerta. Support Bernie, fine. But don’t get in the face of and yell at a woman in her late 80's who has done more for the working poor than Susan, or Bernie will ever hope to in 10 lifetimes.