Dear God I hope not.
Dear God I hope not.
Thank you for your thoughtful answer. I learned something! :)
Serious question. Aren’t pedophiles serial abusers? In other words, if Allen abused his young daughter - and I’m not saying he didn’t - wouldn’t there be other people coming forth to say, “Yes, he abused me as a child, too.” I want to believe Farrow, et al, but everything I’ve read about pedophiles indicates that it’s…
Solid plan.
Yes! Good eye.
Done! This needs to happen.
I do, just a few shakes, so maybe I should try salting it more if that’s the trick.
I’ve tried this several times and I can never taste the difference.
Live. Starts at 5 pm PST.
“I’ve played a lot of different people from a lot of different cultures,” is the new “I’m not a doctor, but I played one on TV.”
His troll game is hard.
If she said that me, I’d slap her.
With a soupcon of stupidity.
Stop with the unnecessary “cis.” Thank you.
She’s. Such. A. Drama. Queen.