I know quite a few people who have bought the game. Even the one guy who got it for his Xbox One X didn’t have huge problems with it, and played through all of the story.
Most people who played it on PC went for 100% and had a blast. You cannot tell me that anybody who sunk 100+ hours into a game had no fun playing it,…
I can understand the XB1/PS4 returns. Playing on PC though... I found the game to be less broken than most Bethesda or Obsidian games at launch. Only had a visual bug that an Nvidia driver update fixed same day and then a gameplay bug that prevented me from progressing until I googled a workaround (Those stupid…
I also enjoyed it just fine day 1.
They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E.
Another Tesla hit piece from Jalopnik. You wouldn’t even be writing about a car being locked to a Supercharger if it weren’t a Tesla! I haven’t seen a single post on Jalopnik about other cars locked to Tesla Superchargers.
These don’t look appetizing to me.
According to all the bloggers upset over the tool in the thread you referenced, it seems to have very little to do with historical information and context and entirely to do with ads & clicks. The history/context shtick seems to be a façade for ‘we have to add filler for the money’ which is fine. People should make…
Generally speaking, I don’t get too bent out of shape when there’s a 2,000-word essay about the genesis of the recipe, or maybe some variations on the base recipe (e.g., here’s a way to make this dish and have it taste just as good, but now with only 15g of fat!), stuff like that.
The issue I’ve found lately is that the recipes that pop after a google search are generally the ones that know how to play the SEO game well and are not at all well written. The paragraphs before the recipe are boring and useless while the recipe itself is like 4 steps and missing a lot of detail. I’ve also tried…
What was it about this particular site that caused such a reaction? And bullying is bullying, no matter what form it takes. Since Recipeasly has been taken down, I can’t see what the fuss was about. But I’ve been using an extension that isolates the recipe in an overlay for years. I think I learned about it on…
This “problem” already had a solution, and that’s the Recipe Filter extension I use on Chrome. You still have to click on the page so they still get the interactions but you don’t have to read unless you’re interested.
Wife: *sees spam on counter in a bowl of water*”Just how drunk are you?”
As a Brit whose entire knowledge of garbage disposals is American horror films, do you legit have a set of whirling blades in your sink and just go, “sod it, into the sarlaac with ye” with all your plate scrapings?
In 2019 the movie industry made $41 billion and the music industry made $19 billion.
Video games made $152 billion.
Honestly I think the game is enjoyable even if you choose not to spend money on it. The daily co op you can do has made it a regular feature in my house of four players. If I had to say one downside, it’s that the PS4 loads MUCH slower than computer or mobile players. Since one of the four of us is playing on PS4, we…