Barbara Walter's Peg Leg

Are they the same as these?

Manwich sounds reasonable, and you sound like an unhinged wierdo.

I think everybody who is not an EA executive or shareholder, and I’m probably including the dev team here, would say “um yes”

Hate to disagree with you Renata, your takes are generally great. I agree that battlefield is inherently funny, but as you pointed out it relies on juxtaposition, the fact that you can repair penguins is hilarious because its unexpected in a game that presents itself seriously, wouldn’t have the same effect in

Yeah, the take the author has here is dumb enough to actually stretch credibility here.  If you like it, you like it... but trying to make the statement that this is perfectly in line for Battlefield and that the larger community are going to both expect and enjoy is baffling.  

Battlefield has always been weird and silly”

Depends on what you run it on. Current gen console or PC? It’s honestly been a blast since day 1, despite a few bugs which were fixed almost a year ago.

“Won’t somebody think of the children‽”

Ban all cars and shut down all roads. If nobody was allowed to drive, then nobody would die in vehicle crashes. I solved the problem for you.

As someone who’s been looking to maybe get back into Genshin after dropping it part way through the second region due to the grind hitting me, did they mitigate that at all? I remember it getting annoying to level characters and weapons along with enemies feeling super spongy after making it to the second location,


Some designs are so stupid, so utterly lacking in any commonsense, you wonder how on earth it got built in the first place.”

People may argue that a Sherman isn’t as useful as a truck in the civilian world, but that’s simply not true. The tank up top is the life of the party at any pig roast.

“Both planes will be towed out of the environment for repairs.”


Jalopnik can spend its money however it wants, so keep throwing it at Shilling, Orelove, and Hodge for all I care, though it would be nice if Jalopnik also threw it at people with fresher ideas on how to make an interesting car blog. I don’t begrudge Shilling, Orelove, and Hodge for taking the money, as they are paid

Why is this article so bitter?

Steadying his massive elephant rifle against a well positioned rock, the ‘Housing and Zoning Inspector’ for Troy Michigan, calmly emptied his entire stockpile of high-powered ammunition into the engine block of the “Excursion” Jeep.