
I do, but only thanks to a day of random googling where I started watching Snooker maximum breaks.

This was one of my fav RPGs as a kid, and one of the few I played through multiple times. Amazing game.


Well, they did fire the guy covering them.

My cat doesn’t step on my keyboard, but instead loves blocking my view of the screen to get me to pay attention to her -_-

It doesn’t really matter that I’ll never get the vulture, but it’s lame you can’t just buy a Starcraft mount in the shop. The void speeder is amazing - but like you wrote, it was a pre-order. There’s no just “normal” Starcraft mount to use, or even purchase. There’s not even like a horse in power armor, and they seem

I haven’t gotten to play it too much, but I’ve felt like I’ve always had something to do especially with escorting the mercs since they can damage the core. And plus if you manage to take all of their keeps, your core starts automatically firing shots.

He can do it with any of the horses. Not the goats, though :(

I used the chats to get him and help some other people. Didn’t take long.

I decided to go Kharazim the first match I played after Cho went live. Caught him multiple times with seven-sided and just *melted* through him in every fight.

Re-watching that combo, damn. Looks like the punisher through his beam down right on them in addition to everything else that got dropped on them, haha. Fun match!

I had a HoTS match today I swore was going this way. One guy was railing on our Sgt Hammer saying stuff like, “Worst Hammer I’ve ever seen.” The guy had a few odd talent choices sure. We were getting absolutely crushed on Dragon Shire. Didn’t capture the dragon a single time. Lost all of our buildings, had taken none

With a friend this will probably be a blast to play. It looks like a lot of fun how they’re releasing him, too.

Heroes of the Storm is pretty much the same way. Maybe it’s all in the team lead, since Dustin Browder does both? He also communicates pretty well also.

I just don’t get it. It’s not like they have to make huge nerfs - they can make small tweaks and tune things in both directions until they hit a sweet spot for various cards. They can even introduce them first on a PTR to see how it goes first. When I used to play physical CCGs, there was errata and bans and all that

I’m so stoked for this. Are you going to be doing the regular Overwatch coverage in addition to the Moba stuff, Yannick?

I was way too hyped for it yesterday, and then... nothing haha.

It’s nice they at least bumped up the selection time this patch.

It’d be nice if in ranked it would only show you the heroes you owned/were still available.

This is how I feel every time a new hero comes out or I go into hero league.