
White men are considered the mainstream of the mainstream and anything even slightly abrasive from someone who is not in the mainstream is treated as radical even if it’s common sense. The mainstream only accepts it as common sense when someone from their group deigns to articulate it.

Really looking forward to all the commenters who called the previous articles rumormongering coming in here to fall on their swords. I’m completely sure it’s going to happen, of course.

A hefty FU to the multitudes of Gawker/Jezebel readers who flooded my comment a year or two ago angry because I said this guy’s brand of anti-sexist anti-racist comedy was itself sexist, racist and not particularly funny. I believed the rumors from the start. Also, as a man myself, believe me when i say C.K. is a

WHERE THOSE APOLOGISTS AT? What was that again about Jezebel rumor mongering and dragging a good man down and there haven’t been any “real” accusations?


You know what else is great? All these awesome things happened despite Donna Brazile’s fervent effort to make the Democratic Party look incompetent and nefarious.

On a recent Slate Money podcast they were talking about Norway’s generous social programs. When the idea of generously subsidized childcare came up, the Norwegian financial journalist was like, “Well, that basically pays for itself. One of the reasons Norway is rich is because something like 80% of women are in the

I hate that I have invested thousands and 15 years into my incorporated business and have a fucking MLM rep tell me that they “run a woman-owned small business, too!”. No. No you fucking do not. Ugh. Lots of times even the reps don’t realize they are 100% being used as consumers and pawns in these schemes.

My SIL sells this garbage. My wife and I refer to it as “clothes for the suburban mom who has given up.”

If you have to say it’s not a pyramid’s probably a pyramid scheme.

Yeah, the look of terror on her face really freaked me out...

I still can’t get over the fact that she looks like she saw a ghost. I half expected her to leap straight up, run in place in the air for a few seconds, then dash off with a cloud of dust in her wake.

Yeah, but guaranteed at least one or two of those twinks probably grew up to be Zac Efron or James Van der Beek or Eddie Furlong.

At this point, I don’t think rich white money is enough anymore. These men are learning that there is power in numbers... and that not only goes for bills, assholes.

The thing is, their careers don’t stall out. They might get a timeout or two, but they always get to come back to an even higher level and a bigger paycheck. It’s the ones they prey on that get labelled “difficult” and disappear, whether they want to or not.

Do you think he’ll blame this on mercury poison as well?

I KNOW what it literally means, thanks. What I THOUGHT was clear to everyone that it’s just that the term only seems to be used for white guys. If the guy is black, the go-to is “gang related”, if they’re brown, it’s “illegal immigrants”, if they’re Muslim, it’s ISIS, but if they’re white it’s “mentally ill lone-wolf.”

This isn’t just a case of semantics. This is Bernie. It’s his core belief that only when straight white guys get everything they want will the rest of us benefit.

Yeah, that didn’t seem like a typical faint. I’ve fainted plenty. Panicky stumbling and dramatic raising of arms are not on the menu when I’m passing out. More like, experiencing cold, clammy hand of death as you become unable to move your body and the light at the end of the tunnel fades. But maybe that’s just me.

Yeah! I don’t think that was an overheated moment - “Is she having a stroke?” was my first reaction upon watching that.