
Oh man. Love the professional liars in the business. A salesman once told my mother that a letter in the VIN indicated that a car was built on a Monday and that cars built on Mondays were better than all the other days because the workers weren’t slacking off yet.

There’s one rule you need to follow to be happy with your car purchase.

Too good!

It’s an outright statement of fact that I wouldn’t have to illegally steal your car if I could legally drive off with it.

And if Britain and the US took these refugees today, 10x would follow tomorrow, and after those 10x, 10x more will follow the day after that.

And if banks gave out free money to anyone who asked, there wouldn’t be bank holdups either. Doesn’t mean it’s even worth considering.

Fortunately that is not current foreign policy nor does it hold any legal standing. It is a nice sentiment but holds no real worth. The truth is, a quip regarding immigration and foreign policy cannot begin to deal with the complexity of the issue at hand. Nations have the right to determine how and when people enter

And people wonder why Britain and the United States don’t want these refugees.

Barnacle find.

Can we send them all to one place and force them to just live together in one big brodouchey community?

As an American, I hardly see what was in need of defense here.

You know, you can demolish your house right?

whats to defend? he blew up his own house after getting permission..

I like you freddy. We should all tow with our vehicles. You are awesome... You do “crazy things” which are really actually just what anyone would have done 25 years ago. I do wish you well in Florida, but you are about to have your world obliterated by the “Florida HOA” car parking and working bullshit. I hope I am

So it’s a global crisis? I thought vehicular douchery was a purely American construct.

Where’s the flat-brimmed hat wearing, energy drink slamming guy who uses the term ‘bro’ or ‘brah’ to start or finish every sentence Subaru WRX owner?

I had one. I lived!

You won’t die. For some reason, us Americans are under the impression you need something the size of a house to tow any trailer. I spend a ton of time in Europe and constantly see people towing caravans which are much larger than their tow vehicles. Be careful, drive well, and you’ll be just fine.

Saw an A6 towing a

I don’t think your understanding of possible, probable/likely, certain is quite right.

If you really feel this way, I highly recommend you *not* drive anywhere in rural America outside of a major metro area. Everyone, and their mothers, will be found, at some point or another, towing large items with rrrrr... maybe not the best tow rig.