
“See honey, I finally put it for sale. Happy?”

I’m reading this comment and literally eating cake at my desk. Sorry, not sorry.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again...

This. How does a sign in a Home Depot bucket behind a fence, which doesn’t appear to have a gate, have any legal basis?

Someone else suggested the same thing. A large part of me thinks Tom penned it himself, as it seems highly unprofessional to just put his client out there like that (even with names withheld).

I still don’t see how he is in the wrong. Even if he had 30 cars parked weirdly in HIS driveway, if theyre on HIS is he in the wrong? The ONLY thing you mentioned that could be remotely “wrong” on his part was parking things on the road, and that depends on how he was using them.

indeed! 77k miles, still runs like a champ.

Whoa, i’m glad i don’t live in USA, i use Mazda e2000 series on one of my parking spaces in garage that is common from whole house as storage unit, as there is no storage unit for my apartment, but many parking spaces. I now see that in usa i would be persecuted by neighbors and house ownership there really is not

Dear Australians,

Man, my hobbies are really boring.

Now that I’ve wasted my day, I need to get my Series 109 back on the road...

A portal... What’s the fancy word for long offroad trips now? Expedition? One of the Fords, anyway. Expedition Portal has a nice ring to it...

World? I think you wanted to say USA.

and this is why every school should have a ‘life’ class where people get taught how to avoid scams like this and what to do instead

The prices of surviving cars have nothing to do with the value of the one you would have wrapped around a tree in the 70's.

Things you should never do in a CVT vehicle:
1) Drive a CVT vehicle

False. The correct answer is a ton of hard work combined with a nice cocktail of performance enhancing drugs. It has to be the good stuff that US athletes are using that’s not currently detectable though, not that cheap shit Russia uses.

We’ve all got Craigslist stories like this... but the difference here is that yours are actually enjoyable to read.


Requisite “Hellcat all the things” comment.