
The Chinese Mokes you posted are actually pretty much replicas of the old ones except the engine. They have been available worldwide for some time. There are quite a few around in Australia registered with the VIN of a dead 70's Moke. Naughty Naughty!!

Now playing

The same applies here in Melbourne. Trams have right of way. If you are blocking the tram tracks, you might get hit. Simple.

Not a Stingray, but the closest I could find in Aus.

I know a couple of wealthy guys who sort of fit into this category too.

Hyundai I30 is better looking, just as well built, has a longer warranty and better value. Performance in real world conditions is on a par. I'd normally buy Japanese over Korean, but in this case, for me, Korean wins. I'd also consider the Ford Focus.

That sums it up. Driving a crap or underpowered car at 110% is way more fun than driving a powerful car at nowhere near it's capacity.

You choose to label a whole nation based on your experience of a select few. Perhaps you should look at yourself before calling others racist.

I can't for the life of me see why anyone would like a Mazda 626 that much. But hat tip to him for keeping an old car that he likes going instead of buying a new one. Also one HUGE hat tip to Mazda for restoring it rather than simply giving him a Mazda 6 in exchange. Maybe Mazda do have a soul after all.

I beg to differ on you there. Aussies learn a lot more about the world outside their borders than yanks and our people travel more than perhaps any other nation on earth. After all, if all the Aussies went home, who would server me a beer in England? It's the implication from yanks that we should know where every

We are always on the floor because down here the blood rushed to our heads. In your hemisphere it all rushes to our feet and we can't stay upright.

I see that all the time, except the other way around. Some dumb American posts on AUSTRALIAN based forum he wants a big heavy part like a door or a hood for his car near Shitsville VA, with USA not even mentioned. No, we Aussies do not know every state in the US and yes there are forums for people outside your

Brake rotors. I find most car dealership service departments insist on replacing the rotors and pads at the same time, claiming the rotors cannot be machined or skimmed. Nissan tried this one on me. I sad "No Thanks!" to their $1400 rotors and pads replacement and took it to an independent brake shop. $440 later

The noise of the Diesel, the size, the hiss of the brakes, the smoke. It's horrible. It's scary. I don't know if I want to run away or stand and cheer. IT'S AWESOME!!

I live in a land where trying to sell a petrol powered large 4x4 is like trying to sell pork rolls at a vegan convention. The new petrol-only Patrol has been out a few months now and I'm yet to see any outside a dealer's lot. Not a single one!

No, Queensland is the Florida of Australia. It's where the batshit bogans from everywhere else go to retire! :D

Now I'm scared!!! :0

Kiwi's (New Zealanders) say "eh" all the time too. Although it's usually followed by "bro". LOL

Yeah you wimps, stay away. I'm off to eat my breakfast. Weet Bix with beer and spiders instead of milk and sugar , naturally.

That was Sydney. Bogans driving loud and low V8's with lots of stickers is normal!

If you stay within the manufacturer's limits the chassis should be fine. But the mechanicals wear out faster.