In fairness:
In fairness:
You’re right, I don’t hope he dies. I hope it paralyzes him and he spends the next 65 years fully conscious, but unable to express himself or control any part of his body voluntarily, as he is in constant pain from the bedsores he gets from laying in puddles of his own urine every day while CNN plays in the…
Stephen Miller reproduces by manually massaging the exterior ovipositors of Republican women and excreting pheromones designed to mimic those produced by an immigrant woman as an ICE agent tears her child from her arms. Stephen Miller will then store the excreted eggs in a damp skin flap, deposit them in a shallow,…
My stimulus check paid credit card debt.
My stimulus check paid credit card debt.
Going to Vote!!
And let’s not forget her craven materialism.
Exactly! Oprah has shown consistently terrible judgment in the voices she has elevated. Why we as a society have decided that she is the Ultimate Moral Arbiter of All Things is a mystery to me.
Yep, that the woman who unleashed Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil onto a unsuspecting public, along with anti-vaxxer Jenny McCarthy, should be expected to consider the detrimental impact of what she promotes, is pretty unlikely.
What did you expect. This is the same Oprah that legitimized Jenny McCarthy as a spokesperson for the anti-vac side.
Thank goodness she can use the same power that helped bring the anti-vax movement into the mainstream to this issue.
I don’t know if American Dirt is a good book or a bad book. But it is a kind of on-brand exploitation by Oprah to promote the book (which is a calculated business decision and not a statement of mere personal preference) without considering the implications of a white/Puerto Rican author’s novelization of Mexican…
Oprah is annoying as hell and I don’t trust her about anything.
I agree completely.
I believe Corey Feldman when he says sex abuse is everywhere in Hollywood and names names.
I believe Corey Feldman is a con artist who is using his and Haim’s past to make money.
I’ve been a firm Warren supporter pretty much since she announced. I’m ideologically progressive and voted for Bernie in ‘16. I’ll likely vote for him again when the NY primary rolls around.
pelosi still isnt a hero. we’ve had plenty of things to investigate trump over and she dragged her feet until she couldnt drag them anymore. and in doing so she’s made herself the face of the efforts of everyone but her’s.
I’ve started thinking of myself as a dark horse. I’m different from them in a good way. :P
Yeah, I found Pelaton-husband relevant only because, either intentionally or unintentionally, the director made Pelaton-husband the most aspirational part of the aspirational advertisement.
How do you go through life without a taint? Yikes.
“I currently sit here hoping that I’ll be able to continue auditioning for commercials without any taint,”