
Weren’t you fired or something?

That they were able to play at all after losing a close friend is a testament to their mental strength.”

Is anyone disputing that?

CTRL+F search of this blog for “Union” or “MLBPA” yielded zero results. Why is that?

Have...have you actually heard a man speak before? 

This blog makes me incredibly sad for exactly 358 humans in the world.

Either the algorithm failed to take into account the freeze factor, in which case it is incomplete and inappropriate to rely upon, or it demonstrates there exists factors outside of the algorithm’s control, which is sort of the point of this blog.  

Where’s this “clear contact,” now?

Two things:

I’m a dad, and I use the term “babysitting” when describing watching the little one solo. I do not find it reductive, nor insulting. I also don’t think “my husband does his fair share” is any, uh, better sounding.

I dunno, I think it’s debatable kinja. 

If only there were some mechanism by which players could take collective action and negotiate their wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment with management. 

They, uh, they ran into that pedestrian, Patrick. 

Maybe don’t use R Kelly-based wordplay, bro.

Chris would you care to comment on the sexual misconduct allegation against Tommy?

Can I buy some pot from you?

“Asking the tough questions” is typically reserved for situations when someone is speaking truth to power.  A weird choice of headline, and a weird thing to focus a blog on.

The tone of this blog sort of feels... wrong.  Like we’re applauding Oprah for grilling people who were raped by a superstar?

Odd flex. 

Saying its a problem for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country” is the exact same as saying the thing you put in quotes.