This is a wrong and bad take, and the type of “Jews aren’t loyal to this country” trope that Omar is getting rightly criticized for.
This is a wrong and bad take, and the type of “Jews aren’t loyal to this country” trope that Omar is getting rightly criticized for.
I think you do an excellent job here, Alicia, and I would go so far as to say that Two Cents is my top-recommended money blog because it is thorough and objective. Just an affirmation for you, in case you ever need it.
Dvora, this is not your best work.
You are wrong. Signed, everyone else.
Because stank puss is gross and gross things sell.
What a Dick.
Oooo is this one of those “Very Short Debates” like they do on Deadspin? In which case: yes.
Thanks for sharing. As hard as this is, we really have to confront the fact that your decision to terminate was made because you didn’t believe your child would have a good quality of life, and whether that is an acceptable justification.
You’re big mad, it would seem.
Good to know. Also no one cares.
Your shield here is Donald Trump?? It is time to pack it in slim.
I dunno man, Meek seemed big mad over a dude he claims to not give a fuck about.
Oh no love for GZA then, or...?
Your MJ claim is ludicrous, and discounts everything you said after it.
You need to let this one go.
He’s dead.
Great blog! However, I’m a little put off by the headline. Would you please use person-first language when referring to people with disabilities from here on out? Thanks!
The balance of the loan forgiven under PSLF is not considered taxable income.
You are also a shitty human being.