
these gentlemen were making the point that they are members of a cult

Well the company would be liable for negligence, at the very least, and could potentially face criminal charges. Remember, people died because of this (possible) fuckup, and those that (possibly) fucked up need to be held to account. It also puts the focus on the CCP and its continued egregious violations of basic

Oh i don’t know I think it would be incredibly beneficial to figure out if this was a lab-based leak, don’t you?

How about a concert movie? How about the best concert movie? Talking Heads’ 1984 concert film (directed by Jonathan Demme! A real director!) is the gold standard of the genre.”

The overwhelming majority of vaccines right now are being offered through county health departments, not through employers. So those doctors and nurses who got their shots at the hospital got them not through the hospital but through the county, who ordered them from the state, who ordered them from the feds (maybe

This presumes the only option you have when you have you are offered a vaccine is to get one for yourself, which just isn’t true. You can sign up someone else for a vaccine just as you can yourself; we are all just a social media post away from asking friends, family, friends of family and friends, their friends and

so the dude hits her, runs to FB to make a corny ass post, and somehow he’s not the bad guy here?

If Klobuchar wants to talk about Myron Burrell, then I’m willing to listen. Burrell is the then-teen that Klobuchar helped send to prison for life in the killing of Tyesha Edwards, an 11-year-old girl who was killed by a stray bullet. In an attempt to find the killer, Klobuchar used literally testimony from several

you’ve finally reached your mother’s level of ho-dom

you want to give us the shiny new piece of real estate and stick you with this run down bum ass planet? is this christmas or something?

at least you arent an addict tho amirite

so you know the answer is no, then.  i feel that makes it worse

you should watch more documentaries, then.  this was reporting.  

Did your husband file for a restraining order against you because you threatened to kill him? Did you have motive because your husband was divorcing you and moving his business out of state? Did you change your will to disinherit everyone on your husband’s side of the family?



if you’re on an IDR plan, then no, there isn’t, because IDR plans focus on your ability to pay, not how much you owe (payment amount calculated as a % of your discretionary income). so if you knock 10,000 off the loan amount by payind down principal, you’ll still pay the same monthly payment amount as you would

nah, his comments aren’t the problem. this is an extension of new york’s “stay home for X” campaign, and systemic issues aside, staying the motherfuck home but for essential reasons is a necessary step in this battle.

this blog misses the mark, big time

anyone know how well this stuff keeps? thinking of making a fuckton, stashing it in the fridge, and using as-needed