I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?
I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?
As long as you eat the curd, we can forgive the Pabst.
Humor derives from incongruity. "To get to the other side," is a funny (sort of) answer to "Why did the chicken cross the road?" because it's not the answer you were expecting.
*gazes longingly at picture of Elizabeth Warren*
Sounds science-y, but if your testicles are touching your calves, I think you have bigger problems than bat wings. :)
Testicular asphyxiation - the silent killer.
Your disbelief that anything bad can possibly happen in a frat leads me to believe that while you read the article, the words just skimmed over the top of your brain and floated straight out of your ears. You basically missed the primary critique—that bad things do happen everywhere, but that the priviledge and…
there are some P R E S S ED ass white people in these comments. jesus christ.
Thanks. And I'd believe you unless you also stole all my tax monies to build a fucking playground for yourself and you then you charged people to enter "your" playground and also charged obscene amounts for food and drinks there instead of, you know, using public money for schools, bridges, roads, hospitals, and such.
Here's the thing. I agree with everything C.K. said. Who fucking cares? But...the Pats and the NFL need to own it:
The crown is not yours to offer. You haven't had it since 2004.
That poor bastard