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    Hi. The data you're sourcing doesn't mean what you think it means. First of all, you've missed the detail that the 58 number is one year, the 700 number is over a period of 10 years. If you took 58 and multiplied it by 10, you'd get 580. But the article says, quite clearly, that only 12 percent of attacks are

    I don't think you are purposefully missing the point, but you are missing it spectacularly. Consider reading Jia's piece again. I believe her overall point is not at all what you suggest but that the Greek System in the south is just as prone to protect its privilege and its institution, for good or ill, as is any

    My favorite part of this is the comment tag above that reads, "A Hysterical Man's Discussions." Hysterical men don't have discussions. They have shouting matches with their own idiocy.


    If I didn't know better I'd swear you were someone from Indianapolis.

    I just wanted you to know you are un-greyed in my book. I agree with this so much I want to deflate it and throw it around a little, then look you in the face and say I didn't just do that.

    ZING. Patriots burn.

    Wealthy person to press: This thing that makes me so much money should continue making me so much money.

    According to Facebook, she's married to a lawyer. I bet he never played the clarinet for her.

    Sad face.

    Thorin, random question: do you know or have you heard of any possibility that we could start making Preview-esque annotations within iBooks on the iOS? Is there any cause to imagine that will start happening now that the Drive can help align things?

    I agree. It's nice to see ANY step in the right direction. Good on them.

    YOU are pretty clever. The only thing on the planet that would have made that first paragraph funnier is if you had used Lexus instead of BMW. Well done, sir.

    This is what it will be like when the Internet gains sentience and starts commenting on articles posted on itself.

    Stars for you. I actually read the book before seeing the movie and it's one of the only times I was glad I had read it and understood a bit better what Forrest's role was before seeing the adaptation.


    It was cool when you dished on the Notebook but now you are pointing out all the things wrong or screwy with movies I intensely adore and it's making me feel like maybe I am not the best judge of a movie's value and I don't know what to do with myself.

    OMG me too. I don't know what it is. I actually went on a date to this movie and this really kind, probably pitying young woman made out with me even though I cried so hard she probably thought I had met Forrest, become his gay lover, and then ran over him accidentally with a thresher.

    Am I the only one who thinks you should send this to the police?

    He could not have found a lawyer with a more appropriate last name.