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    You are both crazy. Spiders and and will always be terrifying.

    How much would it cost for Gawkerians to all pitch in and get Sam Biddle an iPad that is engraved on the back with "i hate myself"?

    Yes, OBVS. But, like, what should I DO, man? iPad and POS call-only phone? iPad and redundant iPhone? iPhone and Kindle Paperweight? I mean white? Abacus?

    What should my Apple media solution be?

    I just want to admit that this was a comic I bought, when I was a boy in 1983, and it's awesome... BUT, it is not as awesome, not nearly, as Batman #354, which is amazing, incredible Batfic, and the wrap-up of the Rupert Thorne and Hamilton Hill takeover of Gotham storyline that ruined me for all future Batmen

    Thanks, 8bitdan! I appreciate it. I am curious about this show after hearing about it for sooooooooo long... it just seems overwhelming to try and get into it.

    So I only just now realized that I'm no longer getting the little notifications that someone's replying!

    OK, io9ers, I know I'll catch hell for this but it has bugged me forever...

    Same. This is the first time in I don't know how long that I've looked at a comic preview and thought, "Wow, I wonder what happens?"


    Really excellent article. All around, just great. Thank you.

    You're not alone. A lot of the Hawk backgrounds would probably look pretty awesome on the big screen...

    I was going to say the same thing. You could get away with it in a movie about Superman or Batman, because their popularity transcends the traditional audience lines, but even using the "man on the outside" trope, it'd be hard to involve any of the B-string and especially C-string actors in a JLA: Hawkman. Or the

    replying to promote.

    100% agree, El Fez. It just doesn't look right without them. Can't explain it, but it's true.

    "Culture-changing juggernaut."

    Ooh! Sigh. Me too.


    There are HUGE plot holes in this movie when you're done being amazed at all the awesome. HUGE. But I don't care. It was hysterical and amazing and was just, just great.

    You're welcome!