a rising sense of anti-Muslim bias following terrorist attacks like those targeting the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
a rising sense of anti-Muslim bias following terrorist attacks like those targeting the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
This sucks and is clearly problematic on multiple levels, but the fact that he’s a Bollywood movie star meant piss-all to a US Customs agent isn’t surprising. I have no clue who this guy is, and the only way I would’ve is if he pulled the “Do you know who I am?” - meaning the only way this could’ve been resolved…
That doesn’t bother me. I can think of about a hundred scenarios where journalists need to pretend to be something they’re not to do good work (you know, every investigative report ever published).
If that code of conduct is a problem to follow, do not attend the school.
If the Baylor school administration really ignored reports of rape, or discouraged victimized students from reporting, I hope they get financially wrecked for their immoral actions.
That picture... is she dying or starring in a movie as a Holocaust victim?
I don’t wanna...whatever, but where is the rest of Natalie Portman?
I am sure many legitimately want to leave the EU, however there is a non-zero portion of the vote who wanted to signal their discontent with the EU by making the vote close never believing it would pass, that the tight polling was just another form of signalling by people who would not actually be crazy enough to turn…
Maybe this can be a lesson for all of the Americans who want to vote for Trump in November as some sort of protest vote.
Not coincidentally, Putin has spoken approvingly of the idea of global warming, because he thinks it will help Russia accomplish its centuries-long goal of turning Siberia into something other than a resource colony.