
Hillary did it.

With all that talent, MAKE SOMETHING ORIGINAL!

Never heard of him, Don’t care. And Bollywood is great if you like white-washed Indians singing strange songs every 10 minutes.

Why should they get a special pass?

And then you write like a zoo animal.

He wasn’t writing for neurotic gay Jezzies.

No. Don’t you know how to read? I said the consequences of rule-breaking aren’t eliminated just because something worse happened. If drinking is against the rules, then you are subject to whatever penalties result from that rule breaking, whether or not you are incidentally raped or assaulted in some other manner.

Why should it? If the consequence of being mildly guilty is expulsion, then expulsion is what should occur regardless of what else happened. You aren’t expelled because you were raped, you’re expelled for what YOU did.

What they want is a free pass for the consequences of their own rule breaking because something worse happened to them. They know the rules.

So you wanted a free pass on your rule breaking?

I really don’t understand the mindset that thinks one should be immune to the consequences of one’s own behavior just because something worse happens to you at the same time.

That’s justice. You broke the rule, and now you want a pass?

So it’s ok to engage in rule breaking, as long as something else worse happens to you?

Does Portman have AIDS?

That’s just dumb.

When did Jezebel become Ebony? Who the hell cares if she’s black enough - whatever that means.

Because I’m sick of people going to these places and then acting like it’s a mystery that bad things happen.

A lot of people do a lot of things with consequences that you might not want to deal with. And the business trip excuse is lame. If you go, don’t expect a ton of sympathy when you land in jail as a victim of a crime.

I don’t know why a woman would go to these countries the way they are. I’m a man and I wouldn’t go to them. It’s like going to North Korea - yeah, you can, but why would you?