
I know that this is totally moot...but can you guys imagine what men would say/do if they carried the babies and people told them not to drink?

I think it's about weighing all the factors. Ideally, a woman shouldn't take anti-depressants when she's pregnant, but if she's suicidal or can't take care of herself, then that's not good either. Doctors generally feel that the benefit outweighs the risk.

I'm determined, if I'm ever pregnant, to not be a perfect yuppie. (And then to not be a yuppie helicopter parent). I obviously wouldn't want to harm my fetus, but I just want my life to be as normal as it can possibly be in terms of eating, exercise and all that. Short of laying off the hard liquor, seeing my doctor

It's not like no one has ever been jealous of anyone else and has had that colour their opinion of or behaviour toward that person. But it's still such a lazy answer and more often that not is used by people lacking in debating and thinking skills.

Was she being facetious? Because otherwise, I don't get it at all.

Well of course! The best thing a human being can be is HOT. And if not, have a good voice. (But it's still really not great to not be hot, even with a good voice). Being a doctor or nurse or teacher or something is lame.

That's considered vile? Wow, I must spend far too much time on the Internet.

I'm exactly like this, 'cept instead of 1 hour it's more like eighteen.

I need a LOT of space. But I'm also conditioned to be nice and non-confrontational. So, I tend to just grin and bear dudes in my space until I freak out and yell and them to get out of my life. Sigh.

The thing about trends is that they come and go. Israel —and every state— should always be subject to review and criticism. But the people who like to engage in a lot of hand-wringing about apartheid without actually knowing what that means will move on to another Thing once they "discover" it. I've seen it happen far

I agree that sometimes violence is necessary. I'd probably throw a punch too if someone hit me first or if he or she was about to. What I take issue with is the gendered aspect of it, ie. confrontations between "men" occur. They occur between women too. I also find it hard to believe that you've had to punch "quite a

Gawd, if Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp hooked up, we'd all die from the combined smug.

Shup up, Patti. Maybe she doesn't want to get married. Maybe she's happy traveling, doing the red carpet thing, going to events and being relevant. I'm sure marriage isn't in her contract anyway.

Please. I think maybe one or two of the hundred-odd men I've been friendly with over the years have ever punched anyone in the face. And I do tend to ask, mostly just because I'm curious and do martial arts. Confrontations between men occur, just as they occur between all humans. They only get violent when the men

I recently saw one of those Sister Pants flicks (shut up!) and she was AWFUL. And she was awful on Mad Men. She took me right out of the show.

I like to use "hideous" like "horrible", but maybe that's not correct. She's a gorgeous woman, but even if I thought she wasn't, I wouldn't say least not out loud.

Bledel is gorgeous. My comment has nothing to do with her looks. It has to do with her acting, which I feel is horrendous. Jessica Pare is also awful, but somewhat less so.

That's lovely. Now can people stop hiring Alexis Bledel? I can't even look at that photo without cringeing at the memory of her hideousness. The woman makes Jessica Pare look like Judi Dench.

I have a whole bunch of significant troubles on my mind, so I think I'll harp on a stupid little annoyance. My mother, for whatever reason, cannot bring herself to use proper words for dating, romance and all that jazz. So, instead of saying something like Are you interested in meeting someone?, she'll say "Do you

I spent most of today feeling exhausted, sad, fat and hating myself and my life. Yay.