
How many times does this need to be said? Nobody has been tested for herpes unless 1) they go to the doctor with something that they think is a herpes blister and have it swabbed and asked to be tested, or 2) they request a blood test for herpes.

Aren't there dating sites for people with herpes?

I think it's absolutely his moral obligation, if not his legal one, to volunteer the information that he has herpes, but I still think there needs to be a conversation. Too many people NEVER ask, just assume that someone is "clean" because they look nice or whatever, or that they can just slap on a condom and all will

The only way to really do your due diligence is to ask the person you want to have sexytimes with to get tested, but not until after a good six months or so of you barely touching each other and him/her not touching anyone else, and you trusting him/her on that, and then seeing a completely clean bill of health, which

Yeah, I have it, and my experience is generally that it clears up in the five day course of meds. But I have heard that some people's outbreaks are more severe. I have also heard that taking daily anti-virals help prevent outbreaks from occuring at all, so perhaps that might help your friend?

Of course people knowingly pass it on. That wasn't my point. And unfortunately, your friend might have gotten it even if he had used a condom. Or she might not have. It's kind of a crap shoot. But yes, of course he shouldn't have kept that from her.

I'd take it for a hundred grand. And I say that having it. My psoriasis I'd take for a quarter mil, though. It's a bigger pain in my ass.

But what people seem to forget is that that woman is now exactly that man. So now all the He has to tell! And the He's a piece of shit for not telling! is on her. Because she now has herpes and she knows she has it, and if she doesn't tell all of her future partners (regardless of whether they ask or use condoms or

Well, he'd deserve an assault conviction for not using a condom when she asked him to, regardless of the herpes. I believe that counts as rape.

Okay, so he's a liar AND a moron. I only skimmed the article; I apologize. But it doesn't change the fact that most people who have the virus don't know that they do.

I don't believe that it is. But. I can't even tell you how many men have been all set to have sex with me, have begged and pleaded to, even, have not asked a thing about my sexual history or STD status...and yet it's incumbent on me to stop them, tell them to pull themselves together, and give them a speech. At some

Maybe he didn't know he HAD the virus. The vast majority of those who have it do not.

Sigh. Why do I feel like I'm always explaining this to people? Condoms might help prevent the transmission of herpes, and they're always a good idea, but herpes is transmitted via skin-to-skin contact. You can contract herpes while with wearing a condom or with a partner who is a wearing one. If you talk to anyone who

Pretty much everyone I've met who lives in the Western Hemisphere south of the US considers them the same thing, and refers to them both as LIE-mon.

Even in real life, I can't really think of any couples where the man is generally considered to be significantly better looking than the woman. But I'd say in most, the reverse is true.

I once went on a date with a guy who told me that he never, ever eats fruit (hates it, apparently) and the only vegetable he eats is asparagus. It would have been a really shame if I'd actually liked him.

I just finished the date with Guy3. It was really good. And we made out a lot. He's really into me...or at least he's really, really attracted to me. I'm a bit concerned that this is too much about physical attraction for him, or that he's putting me on a pedestal. He goes on and on about how beautiful I am, and after

I'm not even really aware of her flops. She's been in some good movies that were totally under-rated and didn't get much popular success though, like The Burning Plain.

Wasn't she recently in Young Adult...for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe? I'd say actually that compared to most actresses post Best Actress Oscar, Theron's career has stayed pretty hot.

Not at all! I don't know what's going on. I usually go two or three years between meeting even one guy I can stand. In some sick way, I actually want to go out with a few more OKCupid guys just to find out if I magically found three of the best ones in my area right off the bat or if there are actually more of them