
I'm totally flattered. Some day I'll get all this organized into a blog, so it's cool to know that people might actually read it!

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. It wasn't mind-blowing, but it was definitely good. And there is potential for it to get better. Sex with Guy2 the first time was incredible but I can't say the subsequent times were better. I think there's a possibility that I'm not totally done with Guy2 —though I haven't heard from

Holy shit, y'all.

Eee! I've spent the whole day with Guy1. He's taking a shower. We're going to have sexytimes! He hasn't trashed my house! I'm trying to not think at all about Guy2...

What do y'all think of Kate Moss? As a model and in general. I'm watching Fashion Police (shut up) and keep seeing this ad for her new lipstick and I kind of both irrationally hate her and want to be her.

Check out High Park, wander around Kensington Market or the Annex, you can wander around Queen's Park... If I can think of anything else, I'll let you know!

What did you think of House of Tolerance? I saw it at TIFF, by myself, and don't know a soul who's seen it. I'd love to hear what you thought. For starters, I'll say that I thought the ladies' clothes were to die for...

I never let the man pay.

I don't think it's evil; I just don't understand why a man should have to pay for a woman's company or why having a vagina entitles women to dinner. I've tried to understand, honestly, but I can't and probably never will. I'm chronically unemployed and I'd still never expect a man to pay for me. I always pay half or

Is there something wrong with John Edwards beyond just being a narcissistic creep? Have we ruled out a tumour or some sort of psychotic break?

Well my day started off like shit, but then it got pretty good! I went to the gym and had an amazing workout. And the blindingly hot trainer who I've been tentatively but surely flirting with for a few months came by to talk to me. He gave me some advice on deadlifts (which included him coming up behind me and

That, my friends, is the photo definition of D'uh.

I dated a Dad awhile back. He's a good guy and he loves his kid. But he also referred to himself as a "single parent" despite sharing custody with his ex-wife and having a live-in nanny in his home. He'd talk about his kid a lot, show off pictures, tell stories; he was very loving and very proud. But when it came down

Most of the Dads I know are good parents and do their fair share of the parenting and household work. BUT they also tend to take on the parenting roles that are more fun, ie. taking the kids outside to help him rake leaves or pull weeds as opposed to taking them to the doctor or staying home with them when they're

Do you have siblings? Because what you're describing is aunt-hood. Aunt-dom? I don't know... Anyway, nieces/nephews are awesome, 'cause you get to roll in for hugs and fun and then leave when they get stinky or cranky.

Goals are important!

I'm pretty sure I'd be able to smell another woman on a man's sheets...

I've only had sex with one of them, but then two nights later the other one, who I'm just fooling around with for now, wanted to sleep over and I was so stressed about it.

That is awesome. And brilliant.

Oh, for sure! Me too.