brazenhussy-old disgusting is it to not change one's sheets between trysts with different men? Because all this laundry is killing me and I'm not ready to choose. And as a follow-up, even if it is disgusting, can men sniff each other out?

Aw, thanks! I heard so many horrible things about OKC and had had such bad experiences on other sites that I truly did sign up just for the entertainment factor. I needed some material for my blog. But then right away I started hearing from some great guys and met a few of them, and suddenly I'm juggling two fantastic

I'm not sure what you mean about the texts. If someone takes about the same amount of time to respond to texts that you take to respond to theirs, isn't that just fair? I'm probably misunderstanding what you wrote.

Oh, okay. I know a lot of people like that, like people who will say over and over again that they want to get together but will never make plans, or will make plans but then not show up. I figure they're just flaky or forgetful, or possibly that they think they're being nice and doing what they're supposed to do when

Can you give an example of a mind game? People often refer to people "playing games" and I've never understood what that means.

You're not alone! I hate the movie, and I'm even a dancer!

I know! Two weeks ago, I was freaking out at the thought of seeing Guy1 more than once in one week, since I'm the lady who is perfectly good to go a month without talking to a soul and whose ideal relationship thusfar has been seeing a guy once every three weeks for a few hours. But somehow I've adjusted and I'm now

That's fair enough. I've never been one for solid career-type guys, but I also don't have much of a career myself. The only thing is that I don't know many people under forty with stable careers (a lot are in school into their thirties, even), but I suppose that might vary by city.

God, it gets worse?? I'm a week behind since I don't get AMC, but practically every episode this season has been a tremendous disappointment. I'm ready to throw in the towel.

I'd second the recommendation to give guys your age a chance. You never know....

Sniff. I'm still so sad that Jerry Orbach died.

RUN! Though I'm personally partial to artists, actors and musicians. They're usually hot in bed.

For living in a vibrant, exciting city full of great entertainment and great people?

My mind is kind of blown. So, I'm still dating Guy1 and Guy2, and they're both pretty much awesome. It's been years since I've met a guy I could stand or was attracted to while sober...and yet both of these guys are gorgeous, smart, fun, sexy, sweet, interesting and, craziest of all, really into me. They both email or

I with you. I often complain about the crowds on public transit and paying a fortune for a place with walls so thin that I can hear my neighbour taking a dump, and barely being able to walk down the sidewalk due to all the people. But I LOVE living downtown in a major urban center. I'll never need a car. I can walk,

She makes Jessica Pare look like Meryl Streep. She's AWFUL.

When she was on The Bachelor, she wasn't on screen for even ninety seconds without the dead fiance coming up. It's not a particularly romantic story even, if you believe the gossip.

According to the gossip mill, she wasn't. He was engaged to another woman, cheated with Emily when she was underage, then he died, she found out she was pregnant, and his family gave her a ring to make for a better story.

Once upon a time, when The Bachelor franchise was in its infancy and applicants might potentially have not all have been utter famewhores, I read an article that said that more than ninety percent of contestants are rejected for STDS (the blood panel includes HSV1 and HSV2, which would rule out almost everyone), which

Actually, there is no such thing as objectively attractive.