
I have the thing between my eyes that me look angry all the time. And a deep wrinkle that runs the width of my forehead. And I've had massive bags and dark circles under my eyes since I was a teenager. It hasn't seemed to affect my "attractiveness" though. I mean, I'm obsessed with the furrow and bags and wrinkles and

What the fuck is a video chat? I seriously don't know. Damned kids. Get off my lawn!

The love story was the weakest part, by far. What I love about the movie is the attention to detail and the depiction of the sinking. You can really feel the fear they must have felt. Oddly enough, since I'm a staunch atheist, the part that's always moved me most is the priest clinging to the rail while a bunch of

I just realized I haven't showered since Wednesday night! I usually work out almost daily so I shower after that. But I've had a really lazy couple of days, have barely left the house and have had my hair in a bun all this time. I didn't even notice! (I've been washing my face twice a day). Part of me is like Ew,

Strange question... If an average, healthyish person isn't working out, doing sports or exerting him or herself physically and it's not hot outside or even warm, how many days can he or she go without bathing (before it gets gross and/or stinky)?

I thought it was because they were hairless. That's the reason my former boss had.

Exactly. It's like that guy who wrote the huge article explaining why men can and should ogle women. I don't care if you look. What pisses me off is reading some treatise about how you think women exist for men's pleasure.

I understand what you're saying in this discussion. I know guys like your SO's friend. And it is sometimes difficult to put a finger on what's bothersome about it. It's not wrong or sketchy or weird to have a tendency to date people of a certain race or ethnicity. A lot of people do. I know White guys who've tended to

Who is this man? I love him!

Ha! The only thing more shitstormy would be an article written by a white dude explaining why white dudes date Asian women. Now that would required an ark.

I'm predicting a shitstorm...

I apologize. This discussion is not so interesting to me that I've followed all of the comments that have been addressed to other commenters. I know what "tend" means. It suggests a trend, or a pattern; one might say even a majority. You say that people who work out regularly understand that you usually have to find

You don't seem to understand the difference between a stereotype and a fact.

And you sound pretty defensive. You're a good guy; good for you and your partner. But this isn't about you. And yes, women do more housework, child caring and elder caring than men. This is a fact. I know that men like to a) point out that they're not like that and b) blame women for marrying bad husbands. But it

There's a third kind of people: those that will let nothing get in the way of a workout and work out in the afternoon or evening.

I exercise like crazy, but I'm still depressed. I'm just scared of how much worse it might be if I didn't!

No, as noted, I'm Canadian. I know that things are different in the US (for starters, we have two "official languages" here while the US does not), but I didn't realize the extent of unilingualism. I assumed most Americans had at least a basic command of Spanish, given the large Spanish speaking population. The US,

This is interesting and giving me a lot to think about. Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren are both incredible actors. I know that Helen Mirren is considered "hot", but is Meryl Streep? I mean really? She's widely considered a great actor, obviously. But I don't the impression at all that she's considered a beautiful great

I assume you're her plastic surgeon, then. You really shouldn't be discussing your patients online.

I'd like more male friends too. I have almost no female friends now that most of them are married with children. Basically, my friends are other single people and unfortunately the single men are men who want to get into my pants. (I have no issue with being friends with married people). I admit that most the people