
Canada. Many Canadians do not speak French fluently, but I'd say most speak and understand enough to get by. And I live in a large urban centre, where most people came from a country where neither English nor French is spoken.

I don't think so. Perhaps not fluently. But at least basic conversational skills in three: usually English, French and some other.

A decent percentage of Americans speak Spanish as a first language though, right? And I presume most of them speak English as well.

I live in a country that's larger than the US. But we have more than one official language, and a huge percentage of people who now live here were born in a country where an entirely different languge is spoken. So that probably makes up for the geographic issue.

The most egregious example is a former friend who I talked about somewhere downthread. Basically, he was constantly making inappropriate comments and joking about us hooking up and I'd either cringe and ignore him or tell him he was making me uncomfortable and ask him to cut it out. But it persisted. Every time we'd

I've read enough of Judd's articles and seen enough of her interviews to know that she's a very smart woman. If all I knew was that she has an MPA from Harvard, however, I wouldn't assume. A lot of people who went to Ivies are fucking idiots, and that's even more likely to be true when it's a celebrity and/or very

She is awesome.


I doubt I've had sex 72 times in 17 years. And I think I have a fairly normal sex life, honestly.

I use maybe one or two condoms a year. I actually have to throw away condoms that have expired. And it takes 'em a looong time to expire.

I don't think I've had sex 72 times in the 17 years since I lost my virginity.

Silly, women don't see men and feel attraction! We're not visual! Women respond to diamonds, only diamonds! And women don't want sex! We put up with sex for romance. And, of course, those diamonds.

No, it's different for you, or for guys like you.

Women don't make men cheat. And there are no universal signals of interest. Some people are touch-feely; some are not. When I'm interested in a guy, I won't touch him or even look him in the eye. Also, sometimes men who cheat do so with women who are also in relationships.

Someone always has someone else on the hook in a male-female relationship....always.

I see a marked difference and I'm ashamed that I wondered about it. I think her article is awesome.

I can be friends with men, but so far only one man has been able to be friends with me. All of the rest of them at some point made a move on me, then I felt hurt and betrayed and like the friendship wasn't real, and then broke off the friendship.

I remember being so disappointed when she was cast in Titanic because I thought mainstream success who totally ruin her career. Luckily, it didn't. I still think it's sad that she's known primarily for Titanic. She's been incredible in so many films.

Was Kate Winslet unknown then? She'd definitely already done Heavenly Creatures, and I think she'd also done Jude and possiby Hideous Kinky. Or Iris? I'm pretty sure Titanic wasn't even her first Oscar nomination. (Then again, I do realize that Blockbuster type movie watchers probably haven't seen any of Winslet's

Please. Most of the teenaged girls who were hysterical over the film saw it for Leonardo DiCaprio and cared about Jack, not Rose. And if I'm not mistaken, many of them wrung their hands over his death and blamed Rose for it, ie. "If Rose wasn't so fat, they would both have fit on the door" and "Her selfishness killed