
Okay, so she dies. There's stll no "afterlife", even in the movies.

I don't think a bunch of feminist readers and writers need a lecture about the status of women, whether rich white women of a different time or regular American women of this one. We're all very aware of the myriad shit that women have had to put up with, then as well as now. We're very aware of what Rose's life was

This made me laugh. Not quite as hard as the review, but pretty good!

That was funny! And very accurate.

I'd love to see stats on this.

Yeah, I get this, but you could be Gwyneth Paltrow and still enjoy a Quarter Pounder once in awhile. Or a cigarette, provided you're not addicted and actually able to have one once in awhile.

It's just an extension of the view that women are not actual human beings with souls and are merely ornaments for men's viewing and sexual pleasure.

Um, pretty much every woman I know likes being a woman (despite all the crap that that entails), even enjoys being traditionally "feminine" in certain ways and wants to be a mother. None of that has anything to do with wanting bodily autonomy and the ability to make the right choices for oneself and one's future

I'm not sure which comment of TopLevelExecutive's you thought was judgey: that there might not be genuine love between a 28 year old woman and a 54 year old man who happens to be a notoriously difficult asshole, or that said 28 year old yoga instructor proabably can't, simply by virtue of being a yoga instructor,

Man, that's strange. I don't know many men in their mid-thirties (or forties, or fifities even) who will look at a woman who appears to be even approaching twenty-five. Sometimes people think I look younger than I am and men my age sometimes approach me, but they tend to get dissapointed and hostile when they find out

Yeah, well, we make fun of people who are pale and make fun of people with spray tans. People go to tanning salons for the same reason they do every other shitty thing to their bodies: other people like how it looks and aren't affraid to tell them.

I thought the same thing. First, there have to be more people who can legitimately sing without auto tune. She can't possibly be the only one! I mean, is it really so bad that we have to like a singer simply for...being able to sing? Aren't there about five singing contests on TV right now? Surely other people can

Nor do I. I think Set Fire to the Rain is okay. But that's it.

The saddest part is that if it the slit was at mid-thigh, it would be a great dress. And actually sexy.

I might have bought it but then there was the "lack of cracking". I have more respect for someone who comes out and says "I think Hilaria looks old and I'm hotter!"

Thanks. I'm giving Leo away though. He doesn't appeal to me at all.

She might be. But when was the last time Leo dated a woman over 22?

The mere mention of moving makes me want to go hide under my bed. Horrible, horrible. I'm terrified of ever moving again.

You don't have to fight with your kid. You just have to say No. You're the boss. This is not complicated.

Maybe seven times of out ten. Helicopter parenting can be incredibly damaging.