
I think it's more of an "American" thing. (I put that in quotations because I'm Canadian and it's a thing here too). I have an STI and none of the foreigners I've told even bat an eyelash.

I don't know. It's clear that she's partied a lot, based on what we've heard. But my personal opinion is that she wasn't THAT stunning (in the context of Hollywood, I mean...she's obviously a beautiful woman...I just don't think she's much of a stand-out among her colleagues) and probably wasn't going to age as well

I've also noticed that the most interesting women I know either never married or married very late, like in their forties or fifties. I'm not trying to dump on married or otherwise coupled women (I know plenty of incredible women who are married), but it is a fact that men tend to be attracted to women who are not as


THIS. Completely.

Really? I think passion fades. If there isn't any in the beginning, there never will be.

I just had this conversation with a friend the other day. I believe in the spark. I'm single and over 35. (And, like you, I haven't felt the spark in awhile but have met lots of nice guys who treated me well and probably would have married me). Most of my friends at some point believed in the spark but then decided

One of the most surreal experiences of my life was seeing There's Something about Mary in the theatre. Every single person was laughing hysterically. And I mean hysterically: I thought the girl sitting next to me was going to hurt herself or shit herself. I didn't laugh once. Not once.

I've plucked my toe hair, and it's not nearly as bad as the nose hair. Sometimes when I pluck the nose hairs, I feel like I'm going to vomit from the pain.

What is the most ridiculous/crazy/embarassing/painful/whatever thing you do for the sake of "beauty"?

I'd probably use them no matter what. Sex feels fine for me with them, and I actually like knowing that there's still a tiny barrier between us. Not everybody wants their sex to be intimate.

See, I've never had sex without a condom and have no interest. And I have plenty of female friends in relationships or who are even married who prefer condoms. Less pleasurable, maybe. Though I have nothing to compare it to. As for the lack of intimacy or supposed lack of intimacy, I don't really care. I don't feel

Interesting. I've never had sex without a condom and probably never will, and don't care one bit.

So, he basically admitted that he's willing to pay for men to have sex but unwilling to pay for women to have sex?

I don't even understand your comment. Are you asking if I'm on Lindsay Lohan's payroll? Because that read like a statement.

Every time there's a discussion about Lindsay Lohan, I wonder 1) why people take such pleasure in her decline and 2) why anybody cares that much in the first place. (And by "care" I don't mean empathy or compassion, but rather why Lohan is even a topic of discussion). I feel like her looks and potential have been

Really? Maybe she just doesn't look as cute as she used to. It happens. Plenty of celebrities use drugs and look great. People like making fun of Lohan because she doesn't look they way they think she should, and that's all. No one cares about her "choices".

You must be Lindsay's therapist or best friend. Or you're making a shitload of assumptions based on photos and tabloid stories.

"Put themselves out there and get into trouble". What does that mean, exactly? And, you know, some might say that it's not nice to kick anyone.

I'm with you on wanting a man who is intensely interested in the world and loves to read. Also well-traveled, up on world/social issues and interested in the arts. I wouldn't say that I want someone who can "teach me" about things, because I feel like that implies an unequal relationship. Also, while I certainly don't