
Do you honestly think that women don't notice all men and aren't constantly thinking about sex? I mean, I know that men LIKE to think that women aren't like them, but we are. Sorry. We notice. We look. We crave sex. We crave sex with hot, hard-bodied men. I know that everyone has invested a lot in pretending that

Story of my life. Have wanted to be a mother since I was a teenager (and have never wavered); wanted a partner for a few years in my late twenties. At this point, I'm just trying to figure out how I can afford it before I run out of time.

I love this comment.

You're "grateful" that you did not do anything to force yourself on a woman? That's sick.

Women are visually stimulated too. Well, a lot of women are. Not all women are the same. Just as not all men are the same, and some are more or less visually stimulated than others.

I guess she's a good-looking woman by most standards. But the thing is that almost every famous woman is beautiful. And some of them are, in addition to being hot, also funny, interesting, smart or talented or whatever. So I tend to find all the discussion over celebrities' looks to get a bit boring. It's sort of

He was a pink commenter who I didn't want to promote but just had to address. His comment has since been removed, I think.

Wait, Kris Humphries' ex is named Bianka?! Who are these people?!

Well, money and power often go hand-in-hand, but I think it's generally money moreso than power that attracts. I'm not sure how to articulate this without sounding snooty and classist, but I suspect that the average young cocktail waitress who is attracted to an old and ugly rich man who happens to be a brilliant

That language is like the last stop before tattooing bar codes onto them. So gross.

I sympathize, truly. I don't know what it would be like to not attract any attention whatsoever, but it certainly does sound like it hurts you, and for that I am sorry. That said, along with the bad, you really do not get your awesome future husband. It just doesn't happen that way. I've heard a lot of commentary from

I agree with you, but you lost me at "not a mother" and "not even a parent".

"Men typically don't find attention from the opposite sex problematic, even if it's from women they don't find attractive. Women, on the other hand, do find attention from men they don't find attractive problematic."

No, Brian Daley, I really don't try to look attractive to men. I work out six days a week, I usually wear heels and sometimes wear makeup and, no, it's not for you. I'm sorry to burst your delusion that women's lives and activities revolve around your penis, but they don't. I might look attractive to men, but I don't

Uh oh! I responded to a pink commenter, but her comment didn't seem trollish to me. I hope it didn't to anyone else.

I already responded to you before that women don't live their lives (including dieting, dressing, and so on) for men. Especially not random men. That is classic male "The world revolves around me and my dick" thinking. When women put extra effort into their appearance, it's not for you. Sorry.

Well, for one thing, not all women are into men. And even those who are don't live and die by men finding them attractive. I mean, I'm straight and I like to be attractive to men I'm attracted to. But I don't care what random men think, and I'd really rather they not comment or stare.

Why does mansplaining always come down to "But we're inferior!!" in some way. It's awfully convenient.

I've been hearing for years that men will eventually stop looking and then I'll be sorry. I'm in my late thirties now, and I'm still waiting. Sorry, but not all of us want men looking, or give a shit what they think of our looks.

Yeah, I saw it. Poor thing sounds...well, unevolved. There's another sad sack on here drowning in his "ocean of testosterone".