
Yes, all this. I've done Internet dating for a decade, and it's particularly annoying online. I'd regularly get hit on by conventionally unattractive, obese men more than twice my age, and then when I'd decline it'd be like "Oh, so I guess you only want Brad Pitt".

You know what? Now I'm just starting to feel sorry for all these guys. It seems really sad to be such a slave to one's penis. I mean, really. I'm a woman and this ends up becoming my problem and that sucks immensely, but to have one's entire being dictated by a few inches of flesh seems utterly pathetic.

Oh hi! I want to tell you a little story about my day. So, I got up this morning and got ready for a day of errand-running, appointments and coffee with an old (female) friend. I washed my hair and put on a bit of foundation and powder because one of my appointments was with my therapist and I don't like her to worry

You have "enjoyed the female"? Enough said.

We're not doing it for you or your dick. That is all.

I don't know if I don't like Megan or if I don't like Jessica Pare or Jessica Pare as Megan or what. All I know is that it left a bad taste in my mouth at the end of the last season and I've since had no interest in watching what was once my favourite show.

I haven't seen the premiere yet, but was SO disappointed that they didn't just jump ahead and pretend the whole Megan thing had never happened last year. It sounds like Jessica Pare is there to stay, in which case I'm out. I do love the show, but I just loathe the character.

I'm really not trying to be depressing! But it's true! How many people really die in the arms of someone they love? Most, if they're lucky, have a nurse down the hall.

I'm sure it's all in good fun, but why is having more or less sex something worth poking fun of anyway?

Wait, this study was done in Finland? Doesn't Finland have the highest rate of misery and suicide on Earth? Perhaps living alone is irrelevant.

I'm hoping they pretend it never happened. That relationship was the dumbest thing I've seen on TV in a long time. Total shark-jumping moment. I'm not going to watch this season is Jessica Pare is on it.

I'm not even going to bother with Mad Men this season unless people who watched it can verify for me that the show pretended like the stupid Draper proposes to Jessica Pare thing never happened. If they're married now or still engaged, I'm out. Yes, I thought it was just that stupid.

It's not really an irrational fear. I was always scared of getting herpes so I never once had sex without a condom. And bingo, I got herpes. It's a very reasonable fear, since it's not that hard to catch.

I think he's gross. But it has nothing to do with his weight, because I think I find him grosser now than I did when he was heavier. I I see him and change the channel or flip the page. I have no idea if he's funny or a good actor though, since I don't really know who he is or what he does. (Though I do

I'm sorry you're going through this. And I'm sorry that so many women I know seem to be going through this. What gives men the right to treat us all like their mothers? Hell, what gives men the right to treat their own mothers like that? We deal with shit because we have to. And they just...let us deal with theirs too.

I proudly proclaim that I'm a feminist, and I can't believe how many people (well, men) tell me that I'm not, because I'm cute (in their opinion). Drives me bonkers.

Well, the character was a pretty horrid person. And I don't know why people go on about the beautiful friendships on SATC, because Carrie was an awful friend.

I have heard the most outrageous, awful things about Tom Cruise. And I believe most of them.

Sigh. I still want boobs.

Particularly since girls are getting their periods as young as eight. My cousin just got hers at ten. She sure as fuck isn't a woman.