
I was fourteen. I didn't get a bra till I was fifteen (though I didn't even need it then), didn't get hips till I was about twenty three. Bar/Bat Mitzvahs were a fucking nightmare, where every other girl showed up in a strapless cocktail dress and I was in some frilly Ellen Henderson. If there were Menarche Parties

It really offends me how many men feel so entitled to women's bodies yet have no concept of how they work.

I checked too. Apparently she was on some show for four years, but I've never heard of it.

Guys who buy women?

I hated both too. I hated Forrest Gump far more, though. It kills me how many people think it's a true story.

I loved Kelly Taylor back in the day, but...while I'm sure she's a nice enough person, I find it quite hard to believe that anyone would want to watch a reality TV show about Jennie Garth. I thought even casting her on DWTS was a stretch. 90210 was a big show but she wasn't even its biggest star and she's done

Leafs SUCK!

As a Sens fan, I can attest that love for a Leafs fan is deviant and wrong.

Obviously, people have very different worlds. I'd prefer to stay in mine, but thanks.

I have lived in the United States. Both in DC and in NYC, in fact. I have no idea where Boise is.

This isn't based on my feelings or perspective so much as it is on actual facts. Nowhere in the United States is 90K considered midddle class.

I live in one of the biggest, most expensive cities in the Western Hemisphere. I bought a small cup of drip coffee for 2.50 today. (I have no idea what gas costs because I don't have a car). I still think 90K is rich. I'd put "average" well under 50K.

Yeah, we're just not going to agree on this. I'm sick of rich people talking about how poor they are.

90K is middle class? On what planet?!

I didn't think the article was anti-Camilla. Though I do think that the media does tend to paint her in a negative light. I personally like her a lot. And never thought much of Diana.

I like her too. I'm glad that she and Charles got married. I think theirs is actually a lovely love story...with quite a lot of tragedy thrown in, of course. And I think she's also actually a good-looking lady. So there!

"I can't honestly tell you that it would have been worth if it all Hitler was doing was killing German Jews."

Yes, I do. But I also know that not every country that is not the USA is the same country, with the same issues and the same people.

You know, seeing absolutely everything through the lens of "Americans are stupid/evil colonialists who like to drop bombs indiscriminately on brown people and fuck up their countries" isn't exactly helpful. (And no, I'm not even American, nor do I support much of the US's foreign policy over the past few decades). Nor

No, I don't think this is anything like Iraq. Or like one of the World Wars. Or like Vietman. Or Afghanistan. This is Syria. Believe it or not, every country that is not the US of A is not the same and every issue/situation is not the same. Sometimes it's right to get involved and sometimes it isn't. I believe in not