
This is timely. I've been seeing a therapist for many years. I never thought she was very good (and she's at times been very unprofessional), and she once took a large chunk of time off for some sort of professional development that I'm convinced was mandated because she sucks (and yes, one of my many issues is

Do you think it was a good idea that the Allies got involved in the World Wars?

Sometimes "meddling in other countries" is the right thing to do.

You seriously called women who got botox "vain bitches"? Why??

Mazel, Charlize! That's wonderful!

What bothers me so much —as usual— is the focus on the stupid choices that these girls are making, and OMG how it's going to ruin their lives and so on. And yes, it's true, that they are young and impressionable and that these photos and videos are going to be around forever. But what about the boys who are asking for

He might get teased, because most kids get teased for something or other, but it won't be because of his name. I highly doubt Elle's kids are going to be attending a school where the majority of children have names like Mary Sue and Billy Bob (if names like that even actually exist anymore).

It can be feminist and still a piece of shit.

It wasn't a piece of shit, but it wasn't great. It's too bad, because it would have been, with a different script.

They don't sound unusual to me. I know more than one Arpad. Aurelius is a bit old-fashioned but not strange. At least they're not stupid hipster names like a lot of celebrities give their kids.

I liked Kelly with Dylan and Brandon with Susan. Brenda sucks.

A couple of weeks ago, I happened to be drinking wine and flirting with two very sexy French men, and we were trying to guess each other's ages. And they both started with "...well, you're definitely over thirty..." And even though I'm well over thirty, I was all mock-indignant, like "What do you mean, DEFINITELY over

I've always had a special place in my heart for Nixon. I was a history/poli sci major and I swear, out of all the fascinating, wacky, brilliant figures, he was possibly the most interesting to me. Absoutely fascinating. (Gawd, I sound like Barbara Walters). Anyway, I don't think he's nearly as horrible as many make

The vast majority of cheaters I know are very happy in all aspects of their relationship, including the sex. But most of them grew up in very patricarchal, "macho" cultures.

Some people are dumb and do cheat just for shits and giggles. I know people like this.

This can be true as well. I know a guy who is very happy and content with his marriage, but cheats simply because he can and figures he might as well be happy, with a little excitement/variety. He's not a complicated person. Not everyone is.

Julia Roberts is one of many celebrities who thinks she's really bright but clearly isn't.

I ask myself this question every day. I just don't understand. I truly don't. There are fucking MORE of us than there are of them. This simply should not happen, and I don't care that men are a bit bigger and stronger. It's just bullshit. And I'm sick of it.

Gawd, me too. I wish she and Bill were my friends and I could have them both over for dinner. I just love them.

I don't like my vibrator, but it does the job.