
YES. And also a "woman having a very large family because she loves kids and wants to be a mother" usually has a very large family of about six kids, not nineteen. I know women who love kids and have a lot of them. They don't have nineteen kids. Not even close.

How many children does your mother have? It's not unusual for previous generations to have had more children. Also, there is a vast difference between a family of eight and one of twenty-one. I know parents with five or six kids who are non-religious and liberal. I know very few with a dozen or more, but they are all

That's usually my first thought too. Well, my second, right after "What the fucing fuck?!"

She probably does enjoy having children.

I agree completely, except for the part about the women obviously liking having children. You could also say that sister wives like sharing a husband. A lot of them are raised to have no choice but to "like" it.

I thought the only thing that matters is stimulating the clitoris. So, dick size does not matter. But then neither does the brain, the position or feelings.

Fear not: Construction season is coming up!

I hate that.

I hear you. I'm single and very content. (I have "lovers", so I'm not hurting for sex or occasional company). And honestly, nothing about witnessing my friends interact with their partners or listening to them talk about their partners makes me want a "relationship". They seem miserable and seem to find their partners

A few nights ago I was googling something I can't even remember anymore and wound up spending an hour reading Yahoo questions (and answers) in their "gender" section. Awful. Horrible. I can't forget some of the things I read. I know I should stay off the Internet except for Jezebel, but sometimes I just can't do

So true. It's hard to believe it was considered so racy. I started watching a year or two behind schedule (eventually caught up) in my mid-twenties and even then it seemed really tame.

Sigh, I need a Samantha Jones motivational doll to carry around. You know, like you slap it on the butt and she says something saucy and "You go girl!"ish.

Oh no. I read your comment last night and his note freaked me out. I think you're doing the right thing by not reading his email. (I probably would, but I'm a masochist who never does what's good for me). I agree that you should let your friend know and block him. And keep us posted. And keep/document everything, in

Sounds like the chronology makes sense. For some reason, I'm totally convinced that the three younger ones were around 33/34 at the beginning, then 33/34 toward the middle, and then about 37/38 at the end. I think probably the styling just wasn't so great in the beginning.

This is so stupid but it's been driving me nuts and I'm bad at math. So, Cynthia Nixon, SJP and Kristin Davis are all about 45/46 now, and Kim Catrall is about ten years older than that. And I believe that during the SATC series, the former three were supposed to be from 32ish at the beginning to 37/8ish toward the

Moving this over from Groupthink, because I posted it about a minute before the Open Thread was posted.

Yeah, I think it's funny when this one guy in my life says "Get me a beer, woman!" while undoing his belt, because I know he's joking around. I know that there are plenty of idiot dudes who don't say that kind of thing tongue-in-cheek, though.

Well, I'm not favour of traditional gender roles for all the obvious reasons. But in a long-term domestic partnership, lots of stuff needs to get done both in and out of the home and if a couple decides to split it evenly "in the home" and "out of the home" and each respects the other's contribution and there is some

Don't read the comments on the CBC website. Unless you want to read a bunch of stuff like "Megan's jealous" and "Pour me another tequila, Megan!" and "This is just a bunch of gold diggers gonna pray on lonely men".

And leggy with high cheekbones and naturally toussled hair. They're all models, didn't you know?