
Impressed, please! I have a good memory for totally useless things that I wish I could forget.

I'll bet every single one of them thinks "Western women are fat and bitchy and if a man wants to be happy he should find a foreign wife, preferably from the Far East or Eastern Europe, where women know how to be women."

I hate Spanx. I'd rather deprive myself and spend fifteen hours a week at the gym than endure them for the same look. Or else just jiggle. I just hate them.

I love Jezebel and a great many other things about the Internet but, all things considered, I think we're worse off.

I don’t know why you’re making this a political issue or speculating about my politics. I wasn’t trying to be politically correct; I was going more for some basic accuracy, you know like not equating old with disabled and not assuming that a beautiful woman can’t be in a wheelchair. (I never did suggest that a working

No, actually, a lot of people (and not just "government folk") did know about this. But yes, now that a lot of twenty year olds who'd never heard of Uganda until today (which is shameful) know about it, the world will fix the problem, stat.

I like mine on the rocks.

Of course not, but who cares?! This isn't about the children; it's about us and making us feel good!!!

I've got to say...this whole KONY2012!!111!! has made me realize what an elitist I am. Once upon a time, some people knew stuff and most didn't. Now every idiot who's never picked up a newspaper and couldn't find Uganda on a map thinks s/he's some genious because s/he saw a video about some guy name Kony. This is one

I'm grateful that people have become aware. It's not stupid to care and it's not gullible to believe the video.

Most people aren't learning anything. They know that there's something called Kony and it's "viral". They want to be in on the excitement.

Word to all of this. I've already commented ad nauseum on this thread, so I'll shut up....well, in minute...

Good thing his name is short and catchy! (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is still around and still bad. But I guess Ahmadinejad2012 doesn't have quite the same ring to it).

This made me laugh. The "!!!!11!11!" was a nice touch. I saw a lot of that on my FB feed today: I guess posters were just too outraged and inspired and empowered to control their typing. I hope some of them have figured out where Uganda is by now.

You don't, but it helps. It also helps to know a bit about it. Probably more than ninety percent of the people who posted this on my Wall today have not only never been to Uganda, but don't know where it is, don't care, and tend to refer loftily to Africa like it's one homogenous place. I doubt they could name all the

Moreover, it's encouraging even greater awareness, education and involvement. Beyond, ya know, just clicking and writing a status update. It wouldn't kill people to care AND to think.

There were always opportunities and there always will be. I just find it depressing that we've devolved to a point where people need a flashy video on Facebook to enlighten them about all the shit going on in the world. Doesn't anybody read the newspaper anymore? Even online?

Every time I checked my Facebook newsfeed today, I saw people bathering about this. I didn't click on the link or watch the video but the number of comments and their content made me cringe.

Dude. Okay, first "Downs" and "crusty old wheelchair ladies" and "wheel-chair lady" are really not the coolest ways to refer to people. I know this is anonymous Internet commenting and all, but your choice of language to describe certain kinds of women is really not helping your argument. Also, I'd point out that a

I buy for really big jackpots (like 30 million plus), when I remember to. So that comes out to maybe five tickets a year.