
Meh. Not necessarily. It's not statistically possible that we're all going to find one. I haven't and I don't particularly care anymore.

I agree, though it's taken me a long time to learn this.

Sorry to hear that about your relationship. :(

The thing is that we all do shitty things in relationships, sometimes, since we're all human. I don't expect absolute perfection from a partner. But I do expect contrition and a little self-awareness if and when something shitty is done. If I confront you about cheating and you come clean, and we talk about it, maybe

That's why it's a major red flag when a guy says all his exes are crazy. The common denominator is you, dude.

I know a guy (okay, he's an ex, I'm ashamed to admit) who was dating three women at the same time. Each woman thought they were exclusive. Somehow they all found out and decided to call him one after the other to dump him. He told me this story when we were dating. And of course all three were unreasonable bitches.

I've said it before. The thing that makes me the absolute craziest, most angry is when a man in my life not only does something shitty to me but then flips, twist and re-interprets the situation so that I'm the bad guy for getting angry about it. Such as "You're such a fucking psycho bitch for yelling at me because

Me too. On a man, nails that extend past the bed give me the willies. For women, it doesn't take much more.

Not everybody who is socially awkward has Asperger's. Since people heard about it, everyone and his brother has been diagnosing everybody else and their brothers with Asperger's. People with Asperger's have very specific characteristics and they're not always equated with social awkwardness.

This is no more acceptable than the position which you're against. Some people believe; some do not. And I have no clue what you mean by "the way life is".

I have a friend who somehow manages to work about fifty hours a week and dance all night a few times a week. And I don't think she uses anything. I've never even seen her drink. And she's nearly forty.

But one person does the hacking. Maybe Salma Hayek should consider herself lucky that my friend the computer genius thinks she's a "dog". I personally would love to see some nude photos of Nick Nolte (yes, really). But I suppose since he's widely considered gross (since he's "old", ya know), he's free to keep whatever

Wow, I thought your first comment was offensive enough, but now we have to start with the whole "physically attractive" thing? One, there is no such thing; there is NO objective standard. Two, I suspect that hacking someone's phone, much like a lot of other crimes, has little to do with desire to see someone nude and

Try Victoria's Secret Miraculous. I'm flat as a board without it and with it I look like a D cup.

"This needs to be in a class b/c not everyone has people in their lives who know it. And some of these things are class, culture, and lifestyle specific."

It's huge. A relationship cannot last very long if that's all there is. But a relationship cannot even start at all if it's not there. That's what I always say...

Seriously. Nobody has any manners and it's depressing and gross. And I'm talking about the most basic stuff: don't spit on the ground, give up your seat to an elderly or disabled person, don't whip out your phone while talking to someone, chew with your mouth closed. I don't see why there needs to be a class in this

I do hear it a lot, and almost always in a totally unimportant context, unrelated to environmental disasters or health scares or whatever. "I'm so blessed to have such a great husband", "I feel really blessed to be with all of you for dinner tonight" sort of stuff. Perhaps that's why it never seems to have a religious

I'm not aware of these shenanigans (do tell!) but I've always thought she was really, really shady.

That was my initial reaction but then I realized that if the genders were reversed, I'd be on his side. Not being married doesn't matter. He's entitled to request spousal support and support to provide for Nahla the same way that she's provided for when she's with her mother. That's how the law works.