
I believe in "God" about as much as Christopher Hitchens did and, honestly, the original commenter's comment didn't even register for me. "Blessed" is a word like "lucky". I personally don't use it but it doesn't strike me as any more religious than when people say "bless you" when someone sneezes. I'm in total

I am. Feel free to PM me!

It sounds like he's been with women who've faked multiple orgasms from vaginal penetration. I don't have stats on this, but I'm pretty sure that a minority of women do. There is nothing wrong with you. But he's lousy in bed. You deserve better!

Thank you! I get quite hurt when people refer to my relationships as just sexual or call the men in my life fuck-buddies or whatever, because to me the relationships are more than that. There's a lot of affection, and sometimes even love. It's just that I don't want to be with them forever or even for more than a few

When I'm wearing a dress and shoes/sandals, the shoes are almost always nudeish. My legs are short and it makes them look longer.

This is why I don't date anymore. There was a great scene in the movie Shame that I really related to (and I'm not a sex addict), in which Fassenbender was out for dinner with a co-worker and she was all "Well, if we're not going to see if there's a future together, why are we here?" and I must say that I really

I don't get "relationships". I don't necessarily like meeting a random guy and going home with him and never seeing him again, but I do like relationships where I see a guy once a month or so (for sex and maybe dinner) and don't see him or talk to him in between. I guess you could say that I don't really want to get

I thought the whole point of an internship was that it wasn't paid. If it's a paid gig, it's not an internship; it's a job.

I spent my wedding night on a massive bed of lentils, steamed and spiced to perfection by a group of elder women carefully selected by my good friend the Dalai Lama. We consummated our union to the solemn yet passionate chanting of four generations of rabinical scholars, who happen to be my family members. Then we

And then people wonder why we're all in debt? I mean, yes, there is an element of not needing that massive TV and not getting one if you can't afford it...but if, say, a 1960s-era chartered accountant could take his wife (who he could afford to support) and two kids out to dinner once a week and buy himself two cups

Awwww, this warms my cold, bitter heart.

Your female colleagues need to do some weight training. I (a chick) recently worked with a few dozen other women on a project and I was the only one who could change the damned thing. Every time we finished the bottle, they'd come whining to me to change it. Pathetic.


I see there are quite a few "Is this really abuse?" comments. I must say that I wondered the same thing at first. I've unfortunately dated a great many awful men who treated me very badly. Only one of these, however, I'd say was emotionally or verbally abusive: the one who was twice my age who told me that I was dirty

I thought her taste in men was basically bearding, plus John Mayer.

It's okay, I was mostly kidding! Don't feel like an asshole!

It's called the "apple" shape on smaller women too. It's simply a shape: very slim limbs, large breasts, and no hips or butt, with all weight gain going to the stomach and breasts. (As opposed to the "pear", which entails wider hips, a butt, a thicker thighs). I once read that apple-shaped women have far greater

Women aren't like chickens. Women are like COWS. You know, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

No, I don't think anyone has noticed anything about her arms.

Except that she stuck it out repeatedly, and it didn't actually look like a pose; it was just awkward and bizarre. And, I obviously don't know what she's like at all, but in all her years in the public eye, she's never once given any indication that she likes to joke around in that sort of way. I thought the JLo and