
I thought the leg-flash thing was very awkward and unsexy. Angelina Jolie doesn't need to do shit like that. If she just felt like being funny, fine, but I didn't think it came off as particularly sexy. It was just...odd. Meryl putting on her glasses, however, was hot.

While I agree that Kate Walsh should mind her own business, I'm not really getting all the comments to the effect of Oh, it's easy for her to talk, she's so beautiful and aging so well! It's Hollywood: they're pretty much all beautiful and aging well. Kate Walsh isn't exactly in a class by herself here.

I wore some makeup in my early twenties, but barely ever wear it now except for maybe a big event. And even then, never, ever eye shadow or coloured lipstick. I think I look fine either way. If anything, I feel like makeup magnifies my flaws and makes me look dirty.

Salma Hayek is not named Selma.

I don't know. Of course the Academy Awards are a bullshit, masturbatory embarassment that have absolutely no meaning. And of course the Academy and Hollywood are both racist and love to pat themselves on the back when they do anything the slightest bit not-racist. But Meryl Streep is a great actress. And the Oscar

I saw a lot of films that I thought were better. But none of them were nominated in that category, so no complaints here.

Nothing. And, while she certainly is lovely, she's no prettier than anyone else who was there tonight. By Hollywood standards, she's average. (Obviously, by regular standards, she's a goddess).

Works for me. But I'd prefer Jeremy Irons even more!

Well, to be fair, Hollywood doesn't make all the movies, and hardly any of the good ones. I see a half dozen films a week, and maybe a dozen Hollywood ones per year. I see Hollywood as more about celebrity than about film-making.

Just different crowds. I don't know anyone who didn't see it and love it. And I don't know anyone who sees blockbuster-type movies.

She's a bad actress and black hole of charisma.

What's worse than his jokes is that awful grin he does afterwards when he's waiting for people to laugh.

This pretty much sums up how I've been feeling all night. They're the most insufferable, smug, ego-maniacal narcissists, it's disgusting. And I'm disgusted with myself for contributing to it by watching. I hate ninety five percent of them.

I'm not going to watch, because it'll make me sad and furious.

I was just going to say that!

Is CZJ there? I wanna see her dress!!

Yay, Michael Douglas! Looking good! And I still think he has one of the best voices ever.

She's beautiful and I like the dress, but I found the walk clunky and the pose really affected and awkward. And I feel like she's very self-conscious and trying too hard.

Yeah, seriously. They should get him to host next year. He's cute and funny, and he has a nice accent. He's probably way cheaper too.

Yes, it was. The soundtrack is wonderful!