
Natalie Portman is a BAD actress. I don't care what anyone else says. Nothing will ever convince me that she doesn't suck. And I have seen most of her films.

But Angelina doesn't have a PR person!1!!! (Or so all her rabid fans like to point out).

I don't like her either. Or Natalie Portman. They are at the top of my Do Not Like list. Also there are Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Bono, Gwyneth Paltrow and a few others, all of whom share the tendency to come off as very, very pleased with themselves. I just don't care for it.

I've noticed lately that she mentions "Brad" all the time, often in the rare instances when the interview isn't even asking about him, like in one above. It's annoying. It also kind of flies in the face of all the Stop fixating on my personal life and please talk about my art and my good deeds!! stuff.

It really is awful. I'm not familiar with the model but have no doubt that she's gorgeous. She just looks really boring and tacky here. It's a cheap looking cover, like something I'd expect from some college calendar.

Actually, I was thinking that this sounds a lot like the "Oh, there's nothing wrong over there at all" willful ignorance while millions of people were being herded into concentration camps thing all over again. Peace in our time, right?

I doubt all the murdered men are soldiers or freedom fighers or involved in the conflict.

Why are we still equating women with children?

I wouldn't say I'm an introvert so much as a misanthropic recluse. I just find most people so stupid and annoying, it makes me angry to be around them.

Actually, I know that I'm a bit on the extreme side, but in my experience, men are far less able to be by themselves than women. And they also talk more.

I'm so angry on your behalf. Your body does not belong to your boyfriend. He should take you as you come or forget it. And his attitude about your tattoo suggests a whole lot of messed up issues about women, in my opinion.

Just the other day, I was standing at a bus stop and heard "Have you got the time, love?" And as I turned around I said "Did you just call me love?" and gave him such a withering look that he slunk away. That felt great.

I should write an article about things I've done with other people. Because pretty much everything I've ever done, I've done alone. I've never lived with another person (since I moved out of the family home, that is), never gone on a trip with anyone and never shared my bed. I can't remember the last time I ate a

Have you seen a trainer?

I feel like gender is a more basic or essential thing for most people than their race or religion or nationality. If aliens came to Earth and said "What are you?", most people would probably first say "Human", but would a White British man say "I'm White", or "I'm British" before he'd say he was a man? I personally

I don't even like Demi Moore and I'm really uncomfortable with the tone of all the reports about her recent troubles. You're right: it is gleeful. What did she ever do to anyone, except perhaps the exact same thing that men her age have been doing forever? Is that what this is about? She married a younger guy and now

It's amazing how many men completely fail to see women as human beings. It's like they think women's bodies exist for them to fuck, whenever or wherever they want, sort of like mannequins standing or lying around.

I've wondered this too. All I can come up with is that women are the ultimate "other". A white man may be racist, but he can still identify with a black man insofar as they are both men. A rich man may look down on a poor man, but they're both men. I think for men, women have always been and will always be the people

The Dad is HOT. And look at all the things he can do with his hands and mouth at once! :O

It's a good thing, obviously, but it's also just so freaking obnoxious that they can't seem to feel this way until it affects their own flesh and blood. Empathy much guys?