
You're right. Women don't "have it good" anywhere. It might be depressing to look at it that way (ie. the way that it actually is), but there's no sense burying our heads in the sand. Denial won't make it better. If women in countries that are not living in "traditional countries" keep settling for "not totally

We really don't "have it good here". At all. I live in Canada, but I mean the US and Canada and similar types of societies. And yes, I thank my lucky stars every day that I don't live in the Congo or in Afganistan, but we don't "have it good" at all. And frankly, I'm sort of offended at the idea that just because my

I don't think the culture of Afghanistan is any more anti-woman than the culture of the United States or Brazil or South Africa or Australia.

A lot of men are like this, and they're not all Muslim.

This has nothing at all to do with religion or with Afghanistan. A lot of men (and women) want male children (for all the obvious reasons), and a lot of men blame women for the gender of their children, despite the fact that if anyone is to blame it's them. (I recall that Prince Charles blamed Diana because he wanted

Aside from Sophia Vergara and Diane Lane, I don't like any of them.

I think Michelle Williams could use a break. She's seemed really miserable on every red carpet I've seen recently.

He's just dumb and doesn't express himself well. He probably wanted to use the word "dependent" and didn't know how.

I know people think of Brazil as a place where Giselle-type goddess strut the beaches. But most of the women look just like this. They proudly prance all over the place in tiny bikinis, they think they look great and everybody else thinks so too. Same goes for the men.

I think he was moved there as "punishment". Don't worry, he won't be there the whole time...

No, I mean not physically attracted. A lot of my relationships have been with men I found physically repulsive, but there was still some sort of sexual attraction. Or else just a lot of drinking.

You might be on to something here! I think Kingsley has an interesting nose. As does Craig. Hmm.

I just asked a friend and she said that most of them are "rugged". I have noticed that of the few men I find attractive in my real life, most women are all "Eeew, he looks kind of dirty/sketchy".

Hmm, I never thought that it might be an attraction to dickishness. Though I suspect that any list of random celebrity men would include a number who treated their former partners badly!

I'm definitely not asexual, and in fact usually just wind up having sex with men I'm not that attracted to. But thanks for the info anyway!

VIA1 is awesome! Have fun!!!

I have a bizarre question. It's very rare that I find men attractive (though I'm not into women). I don't know if I'm picky or if I have a distinct type or what. But people are always giving me grief about this (I guess because they'd like me to be with someone or at least date, but I find no one the slightest bit

Isabella and Bella have been popular for several years, and I'm sure Twilight has something to do with it.

Yeah, it's a common turn of phrase for the POTUS. But it hasn't made much sense since the end of the Cold War.

Actually, whenever I'm out somewhere and someone is scaring the hell out of me, in a sexually-charged way or not, it's usually a white man. For that reason, my mind has always been boggled by people who are scared of racial or ethnic minorities. It just does't check out with reality at all.