
I don't believe it's about desire any more than rape is about desire.

I know a few guys who probably catcall, or did when they lived elsewhere. (They know it's not considered acceptable here, so they might refrain, but they think it's ridiculous that it's not considered acceptable). Generally, it's just ingrained in them that women exist for men's viewing pleasure and this is what men

Than Diane Lane? I don't think Diane Lane is anything exceptional, but I think she's far more talented than SJP. Just my opinion though. Someone I know claimed recently that Cate Blanchett can't act her way out of a paper bag and I think she's one of the greatest living actresses, so who knows.

"Displays of wealth have influence on how you are perceived and treated. Wearing expensive clothing is a display of wealth. Sure you can be well-mannered and well-dressed without wearing expensive clothes. But it doesn't display wealth and have the same class implications."

I don't hate SJP and I certainly don't begrudge her her fabulous life since she's worked hard and been successful. I also think she's very pretty.

I hate to swim in this can of worms, though I do find the issue interesting, so here goes.

If you have some sort of relationship with a woman, like she's your friend or you're on a date, or she's a co-worker, it's fine to tell her you think she looks great or you like her hair that day or whatever (though I'd be careful with the co-worker). If she's a stranger, there's no reason to say anything about her

Seriously. It's an absolute crime how little work she gets. She's a fantastic actor.

I was all ready to say Thank Goodness, but SJP is even worse. She is a HORRIBLE actress.

Allright, I'm just going to say it. I've never heard a single Beyonce (or Destiny's Child) song I didn't really dislike. I think she's a nice looking woman with an amazing body but beyond that don't see what the fuss is about at all. And lately, I've become really sick of her and her husband, who seems like he's

Agreed on all counts. Hearted.

Some ladies (and guys) like Pitt, Clooney and Cruise (well, before he went totally bonkers), Reynolds and Cooper. I've always had the hots for Jeremy Irons.

She seems pretty happy with life to me.

I used to imagine my wedding when I was a teenager. Then I started actually dating and trying to have relationships and I realized that I'd never find anyone I could stand, let alone marry. So now I don't think about it anymore. I do sometimes try to imagine what it would be like to have good sex again though.

Uh, doesn't everyone do this to some degree?

I don't care that much about Demi Moore and have never particularly cared for her either, but this makes me very, very sad. I just feel like life is pretty damned shitty for celebrity women over a certain age, and it's not so great for us civvies either. I'm sure all is great in Ashton Kutcher's life right, or at

Apparently, he was engaged to another woman when they got together (when she was still a minor and he was several years her senior), then he tragically died, she found out she was pregnant, and then his family presented her with the ring he'd given his previous fiancee. Or so says the Internet.

No, it's not. Trust me, I'd love it if I could be even the tiniest bit sexually attracted to women, but I'm not. I unfortunately find most men absolutely repulsive, but the thought of being with a woman...well, I just can't even go there.

I wish I could choose to be gay. I'm so sick of guys. Alas...

Well, these people do tend to be famewhores...(and much as we're not supposed to say anything bad about Emily, she is one too).