
Oh, man. This is not a good idea. I mean, nothing about this gong show of a franchise is ever a good idea, but this is a particularly bad one.

As Shweeps pointed out, the child's father died. It's quite a sad story, and one that Emily or the producers manage to trot out at least once per episode.

Both Heidi and Seal look SO HOT in that photo. If they've decided that this is what's best for them, then I accept it and am happy for them, except...NOOOOOO!

I've read a lot of articles on stats on this and, as you say, men are way more likely to dump female partners when they become ill. The numbers are quite staggering.

The stats on men leaving their partner when they become ill are quite high.

I know quite a few people who know very well that their parents had an unhappy marriage and stayed together "for the kids". They feel mostly angry and guilty and full of regret.

Bored out of my damned mind and yet have a million things to do. I hate that.

The one that would gut me is Michael Douglas and CZJ, for some odd reason.

Yes, and it's so freaking creepy that any father would be this invested or interested in his daughter's sex life. It's one thing to sort of vaguely hope your daughter doesn't have sex before she marries. But this is so much more than that. I hesitate to say that one thing is "normal" and another isn't...but being this

Yeah, as I said in response to corymcgruder, I never heard a peep about virginity growing up, and I was raised in a rather religious Jewish home. I knew some more religious girls who married very young, and I'm sure they did not have sex before marriage and knew that they weren't supposed to, but it's just not an

I grew up in a modern Orthodox Jewish home and never heard a word about not having sex before marriage. My Jewish day school had comprehensive sex ed, and we were never told or even encouraged to abstain. More traditional Orthodox communities are of course all about modesty and separation of men and women, but even

While I never underestimate people's capacity for ignorance and stupidity, I think sometimes the "I just didn't think it was possible for me to get pregnant" thing is more about denial and wishful thinking than a lack of knowledge. I do think that plenty of teenagers (well, people) are dumb and misinformed, but I also

Access to education is a right.

I'm not a modelling expert, but it seems like she's got the goods. At least for now. And I don't believe that of most child model spawn of celebrities, or even some of them.

Oh, George Stephanopoulous. You had so much potential.

Well, two people who claim to have slept with him. Apparently he's lousy in bed. Lazy. So, you're not missing much!

Because he's a famous man? That news wouldn't surprise me even if they were in a happy supposedly committed, monogomous relationship. (I mean, when even I, who am I total average nobody, knows two people who fucked Denzel Washington, absolutely nothing surprises me).

I've done a lot of thinking about this. It's not that I don't want a nice guy or that I like assholes, fullstop. It's more an issue of physical attraction and how that's tended to intersect with personality in the men I've met.

No, I really can't. I'm pretty much middle-aged now. I've rejected tons of good men and continue to do it. I'm okay with having casual sexual/romantic relationships with the kind of men I'm attracted to and being just friends with good ones.

Despite what all the women and men you work with might think or say, I highly doubt that everyone from "the islands" feels the same way about gender and relationships. They also don't really have a totally homogeneous and unique culture. (And neither do "we", whoever that is).