
I LOVE The Sation Agent. Definitinely in my Top Ten American films of all time. I have the DVD.

Also try Cinema Paradiso, Central Station, Kolya and Il Postino. They're all feel-good movies.

For some reason, it doesn't for me at all. It usually doesn't even register. I've seen movies that have switched to another language with subtitles midway through and not even noticed. It's just another thing on the screen to look at and absorb.

Yes, I'm serious. Of course it's technically reading, but so is looking at a billboard that has words on it.

Me three. Almost all of my favourite films are foreign. I do like some Hollywood films, but they're generally considered Pretentious Oscar-bait type movies. I LIKE dark, ponderous, inconclusive and weird. And a lot of nudity.

Hmm. I like depressing and inconclusive. I think happy endings are really lame. But, like you said, different viewers are different.

Watching a movies with subtitles is not "reading". Well, maybe it is in the same way that walking up a flight of stairs without having a heart attack is considered "being in shape" these days. Very, very sad.

Well, marriage has been around for a long time, and women were chattel with zero rights, so they sure as hell couldn't have invented it, or anything else.

Yes. Regular people are feminists because women are a historically marginalized and opressed group. Men are historically privileged, so being an MRA kind of presupposes a sort of whack perspective. Kind of like those who advocate for the rights of non-Whites as opposed to those who advocate for the rights of Whites.

I didn't see that thread, so here are mine: Comments that are classist, racist or sexist. Rudeness or dismissiveness toward waitstaff. Even the slightest inkling of a Madonna/Whore complex. All exes being crazy. Referring to women as "females".

I once dated a misogynist. He admitted that he hated women. And he acknowledged that all of his hatred of women stemmed from the fact that when he was an ugly, awkward teenager, none of the pretty, popular girls at his high school wanted to fuck him. That's it! And he's spent his entire adult life as a miserable

"He wants to meet exotic, silk-feathered ladybirds, probably from the Orient."

You should also pinky-swear to Let Yourselves Go.

I don't. But there was one male acquaintance who defriended me on Facebook (we weren't even actual friends, had met maybe a half dozen times at parties), and when I inquired of a mutual friend, mutual friend informed me that buddy was engaged and that his fiancee was uncomfortable with him having female friends. On

And that men do the asking.

Lots of men do feel this way.

Okay, you guys, I have this all figured out! Johnny Depp should hook up with Angelina Jolie and they can be the world's most insufferable Pretentious Undergrads. Whole countries could feed off their combined smug! They can show up for occasional awards shows and we can all sigh about how prefect they are, and they can

Denzel is a pretty open slut/womanizer. I just hope Pauletta is cool with it or has her own fun on the side.

I think aerocline meant "bearding" more generally, like George secretly likes older women but dates young women for show. Wouldn't that be cool?

You brought this up with me in another thread on here. First, I agree with you that if he wants to put his money where his mouth is, he should produce a film featuring women over forty. He's very powerful in Hollywood, or so people, say, so why not change this issue he's so concerned with? And second, no one will ever