
I did answer your question. Choices/desires do not exist in a vacum. Clooney might have his desires and that's fine, but they are the exact same as Hollywood's.

No, it had nothing to do with you. It was part of a back-and-forth with DizietSima about men being lauded for being decent human beings.

Clooney is attracted to much younger women. (Or, that's who his people set him up with for photo ops). A lot of older guys are attracted to younger women. A lot of not so old guys are attracted to younger women. None of which is surprising since we live in a world where women over thirty are used-up, rotten,

I hate the term African American. I've always said Black. Except that other White people tend to look at me like it's a racial slur.

Oh my God, are you kidding with this?!??

"What if they'd thought she was rich because she was Asian or Jewish? Would that be problematic at all?" "Yes."

The only racist stuff I've ever heard has been from guys in the context of dating/sex, ie. White guys telling me I have a hot body "like a Black girl" or with a "Black girl booty" and asking me if I've ever been with a Black guy. All White guys seem to want to know this. It drives me nuts. Then again, Black guys also

I think I'm lucky because I've never heard anything like this. And nobody I know would be caught dead saying "ghetto". And touching someone's hair? What??!

Yikes. I'm going to consider myself lucky 'cause I've never heard anyone say any of this shit. I'd probably slap them silly if I did. I've never even heard a friend say the word "ghetto".

Well, you know, a guy deserves a blowjob when he clears the table and a Purple Heart when he "babysits" his kids...

"Is pretty much bullshit" in that I don't really believe there's an epidemic of women "entrapping" men into marriage by getting pregnant. As I said above, unless a couple has discussed children and birth control and decided together that the woman would take the Pill and then she went off of it without telling him in

Well, I think the concept of trapping a man into marriage by going off birth control is pretty much bullshit, unless the couple openly discussed birth control/kids and decided together that they didn't want any yet and that she'd take the Pill, and then she went off of it without telling him. Generally, I think if a

Okay, I obviously don't know anything about the Biel/Timberlake relationship aside from what I read on Jez. But judging from what I've read over the years, he doesn't seem all that into her. So why would she want to marry him?

Israel does indeed do many wonderful things, but if they don't concern women, I don't see why Jezebel would report on them. Maybe they could do a story on Ahava skincare products. They're pretty awesome.

I see a connection. He can date who he wants (though I'll never believe that he has actual romantic/sexual relationships with any of these women), but if he only seeks the company of women under thirty, he's pretty much agreeing with Hollywood that women of a certain age are invisible and undesirable. It seems a bit

What? Women in Hollywood are constantly expressing concern over this. See any interview of any actress over forty.

I think he's breathtakingly stupid and perhaps one of the worst actors I've ever seen. I'm sure he can talk, but he seems to try to channel Brando, which ends up making him sound like he has a mouth full of cotton.

I met some of the stupidest people of my life at law school. And it's in the top 15 law schools in the world, apparently. Idiots can and do get degrees all the time.

Unattractive women have no other options than to be with horrible men who beat the shit out of them? Are you kidding?!

So I guess the next time I'm drunk and channel surfing and tempted to buy that Meaningful Beauty shit, I shouldn't? Oh, Cindy.