
Ugh. People can be so stupid. Just look away. Jesus.

Seriously. It's the oldest trick in the book.

Well, isn't that big of him. Maybe she doesn't want it.

I know we're living in a world where walking up a flight of stairs without having a heart attack is considered being in good shape, but at my gym, a hell of a lot of women look like Serena Williams, and I doubt they're all on steroids. That's not to say that she isn't, since I, like you, have absolutely no way to

I don't see why staying would make her a better person than one who didn't. But I do agree that it's her decision and it's not up to us to judge.

Yeah, I wasn't sure what age-range, exactly, would be feasible. I can think of about a dozen 35+ actresses who'd be better than Demi. What about Kate Winslet? She can play practically anyone. I still vote for Clarkson or Scott Thomas.

I do not like the idea of Demi Moore as Gloria Steinem. Hell, I think Jennifer Aniston would be better.

It's also Number 1 in the misogynist's playbook: Never trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. People who hate women and think they're gross will manage to flip anything around. :(

And if men could get pregnant, abortion would be free, legal and available at every 7/11. And the human race would have died out already.

I'm you. I was invited to a variety of things but all I want to do is stay home alone.

I'm staying home tonight by myself, cleaning my place and doing laundry. Is that pathetic?

That's a great idea. I'm going to see if I can come up with twenty.

I have eczema and/or psoriasis (opinions vary) and yes, people can be dicks about it. But I find that people are dicks about almost every health issue that isn't cancer (aside from cancers that can be linked to smoking, because then they're dicks about that too), which sort of boggles my mind, who doesn't

Get my shit together. Be less weird.

The whole world turns on the perpetuation of oppression, privilege and patriarchy. That doesn't make it right, and I'm not going to kill myself over it, but...well, yeah.

It's hard to top 'cause it's like 1000 calories in a small one!! The price is outrageous enough but that shit is BAD for you! For me, theatre popcorn is like those Cadbury Cream Eggs. I love it, and I want it. But I have one year, and I usually feel sick afterward, so that's plenty.

Why are people like this? I'm genuinely asking. Who raised them? What the fuck happened to us?! I'm sad about this.

Yeah, I kind of do too. I can't help it.

There are few things in this life I like more than movies, and yet I hate almost everything about people. Talking, texting, loud eating, fidgeting, seat-kicking, feet-on-seats, even loud breathing.

I really want to hate Woody Allen, and there certainly are plenty of reasons to, but I just can't. Oh well.